CMR  1.3.0
Basic Utilities

This tool is useful for basic matrix operations:

  • Transposing the input matrix.
  • Turning a submatrix of a matrix into an explicit matrix.
  • Computing the support matrix of the input matrix.
  • Computing the signed support matrix (negative entries are turned into \( -1 \)'s, positive into \( +1 \)'s) of the input matrix.

Matrix Utilities

The command

cmr-matrix IN-MAT OUT-MAT [OPTION]...

copies the matrix from file IN-MAT to file OUT-MAT, potentially applying certain operations.


  • -i FORMAT Format of file IN-MAT; default: dense.
  • -o FORMAT Format of file OUT-MAT; default: same as format of IN-MAT.
  • -S IN-SUB Consider the submatrix of IN-MAT specified in file IN-SUB instead of IN-MAT itself; can be combined with other operations.
  • -t Transpose the matrix; can be combined with other operations.
  • -c Compute the support matrix instead of copying.
  • -C Compute the signed support matrix instead of copying.
  • -r Randomize the output matrix by randomly permuting rows/columns.
  • -R2 NUM Randomize the output matrix by performing NUM binary random pivots.
  • -R3 NUM Randomize the output matrix by performing NUM ternary random pivots.
  • -d Use double arithmetic instead of integers.

Formats for matrices: dense, sparse If IN-MAT or IN-SUB is - then the input matrix (resp. submatrix) is read from stdin. If OUT-MAT is - then the output matrix is written to stdout.