CMR  1.3.0
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separation.h File Reference

Data structures for k-separations and k-sums. More...

#include <cmr/env.h>
#include <cmr/matrix.h>
#include <cmr/element.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>

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struct  CMR_SEPA




CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaCreate (CMR *cmr, size_t numRows, size_t numColumns, CMR_SEPA **psepa)
 Creates a 2- or 3-separation.
 Frees a separation.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaTranspose (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEPA *sepa, CMR_SEPA **ptransposed)
 Transposes a given separation.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaComputeSizes (CMR_SEPA *sepa, size_t *pnumRowsTopLeft, size_t *pnumColumnsTopLeft, size_t *pnumRowsBottomRight, size_t *pnumColumnsBottomRight)
 Computes the sizes of the top-left and bottom-right parts.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaFindBinaryRepresentatives (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEPA *sepa, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_CHRMAT *transpose, bool *pswapped, CMR_SUBMAT **pviolator)
 Scans the support of matrix to compute all representative rows/columns for sepa and sets the type.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaFindBinaryRepresentativesSubmatrix (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEPA *sepa, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_CHRMAT *transpose, CMR_SUBMAT *submatrix, bool *pswapped, CMR_SUBMAT **pviolator)
 Scans the support of submatrix of matrix to compute all representative rows/columns for sepa and sets the type.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaGetRepresentatives (CMR_SEPA *sepa, size_t reprRows[2][3], size_t reprColumns[2][3])
 Returns representative rows/columns of the low-rank submatrices.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaGetProjection (CMR_SEPA *sepa, size_t part, size_t *rowsToPart, size_t *columnsToPart, size_t *pnumPartRows, size_t *pnumPartColumns)
 Creates mappings from rows/columns to those of part; also maps up to 3 representative rows/columns.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaCheckTernary (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEPA *sepa, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, bool *pisTernary, CMR_SUBMAT **pviolator)
 Checks for a given matrix whether the binary k-separation is also a ternary one.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaCheckTernarySubmatrix (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEPA *sepa, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_SUBMAT *submatrix, bool *pisTernary, CMR_SUBMAT **pviolator)
 Checks for a submatrix of a given matrix whether the binary k-separation is also a ternary one.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRonesumCompose (CMR *cmr, size_t numMatrices, CMR_CHRMAT **matrices, CMR_CHRMAT **presult)
 Composes the 1-sum of the several matrices.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRtwosumCompose (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *first, CMR_CHRMAT *second, size_t *firstSpecialRows, size_t *firstSpecialColumns, size_t *secondSpecialRows, size_t *secondSpecialColumns, int8_t characteristic, CMR_CHRMAT **presult)
 Composes the 2-sum of the two matrices first and second with connecting elements firstMarker and secondMarker.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRtwosumDecomposeFirst (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_SEPA *sepa, CMR_CHRMAT **pfirst, size_t *firstRowsOrigin, size_t *firstColumnsOrigin, size_t *rowsToFirst, size_t *columnsToFirst, size_t *firstSpecialRows, size_t *firstSpecialColumns)
 Decomposes matrix as a 2-sum according to the 2-separation sepa, computing the first component.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRtwosumDecomposeSecond (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_SEPA *sepa, CMR_CHRMAT **psecond, size_t *secondRowsOrigin, size_t *secondColumnsOrigin, size_t *rowsToSecond, size_t *columnsToSecond, size_t *secondSpecialRows, size_t *secondSpecialColumns)
 Decomposes matrix as a 2-sum according to the 2-separation sepa, computing the second component.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRdeltasumCompose (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *first, CMR_CHRMAT *second, size_t *firstSpecialRows, size_t *firstSpecialColumns, size_t *secondSpecialRows, size_t *secondSpecialColumns, int8_t characteristic, CMR_CHRMAT **presult)
 Constructs the \( \Delta \)-sum of the two matrices first and second.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRdeltasumDecomposeEpsilon (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_CHRMAT *transpose, CMR_SEPA *sepa, char *pepsilon)
 Decomposes matrix as a \( \Delta \)-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing \( \varepsilon \).
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRdeltasumDecomposeFirst (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_SEPA *sepa, char epsilon, CMR_CHRMAT **pfirst, size_t *firstRowsOrigin, size_t *firstColumnsOrigin, size_t *rowsToFirst, size_t *columnsToFirst, size_t *firstSpecialRows, size_t *firstSpecialColumns)
 Decomposes matrix as a \( \Delta \)-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing the first component.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRdeltasumDecomposeSecond (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_SEPA *sepa, char epsilon, CMR_CHRMAT **psecond, size_t *secondRowsOrigin, size_t *secondColumnsOrigin, size_t *rowsToSecond, size_t *columnsToSecond, size_t *secondSpecialRows, size_t *secondSpecialColumns)
 Decomposes matrix as a \( \Delta \)-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing the second component.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRysumCompose (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *first, CMR_CHRMAT *second, size_t *firstSpecialRows, size_t *firstSpecialColumns, size_t *secondSpecialRows, size_t *secondSpecialColumns, int8_t characteristic, CMR_CHRMAT **presult)
 Constructs the Y-sum of the two matrices first and second.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRysumDecomposeEpsilon (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_CHRMAT *transpose, CMR_SEPA *sepa, char *pepsilon)
 Decomposes matrix as a Y-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing \( \varepsilon \).
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRysumDecomposeFirst (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_SEPA *sepa, char epsilon, CMR_CHRMAT **pfirst, size_t *firstRowsOrigin, size_t *firstColumnsOrigin, size_t *rowsToFirst, size_t *columnsToFirst, size_t *firstSpecialRows, size_t *firstSpecialColumns)
 Decomposes matrix as a Y-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing the first component.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRysumDecomposeSecond (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_SEPA *sepa, char epsilon, CMR_CHRMAT **psecond, size_t *secondRowsOrigin, size_t *secondColumnsOrigin, size_t *rowsToSecond, size_t *columnsToSecond, size_t *secondSpecialRows, size_t *secondSpecialColumns)
 Decomposes matrix as a Y-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing the second component.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRthreesumCompose (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *first, CMR_CHRMAT *second, size_t *firstSpecialRows, size_t *firstSpecialColumns, size_t *secondSpecialRows, size_t *secondSpecialColumns, int8_t characteristic, CMR_CHRMAT **presult)
 Constructs the 3-sum of the two matrices first and second at connecting rows firstSpecialRows and secondSpecialRows and columns firstSpecialColumns and secondSpecialColumns.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRthreesumDecomposeSearchConnecting (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_CHRMAT *transpose, CMR_SEPA *sepa, size_t *specialRows, size_t *specialColumns, char *pgamma, char *pbeta)
 Decomposes matrix as a 3-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, searching a suitable connecing matrix.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRthreesumDecomposeSignConnecting (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_CHRMAT *transpose, CMR_SEPA *sepa, size_t *specialRows, size_t *specialColumns, char *pgamma, char *pbeta)
 Decomposes matrix as a 3-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, searching a suitable connecing matrix.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRthreesumDecomposeFirst (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_SEPA *sepa, size_t *specialRows, size_t *specialColumns, char beta, CMR_CHRMAT **pfirst, size_t *firstRowsOrigin, size_t *firstColumnsOrigin, size_t *rowsToFirst, size_t *columnsToFirst, size_t *firstSpecialRows, size_t *firstSpecialColumns)
 Decomposes matrix as a 3-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing the first component.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRthreesumDecomposeSecond (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_SEPA *sepa, size_t *specialRows, size_t *specialColumns, char gamma, CMR_CHRMAT **psecond, size_t *secondRowsOrigin, size_t *secondColumnsOrigin, size_t *rowsToSecond, size_t *columnsToSecond, size_t *secondSpecialRows, size_t *secondSpecialColumns)
 Decomposes matrix as a 3-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing the second component.

Detailed Description

Data structures for k-separations and k-sums.

Matthias Walter

Enumeration Type Documentation



This row/column belongs to the first child.


This row/column belongs to the second child.


This bit flag indicates that the row/column also belongs to the other child.


This bit flag indicates that the row/column also belongs to the other child and is independent of the one from CMR_SEPA_FLAG_RANK1.


Bit mask for the ownership.


Bit mask extra belongings.



2-separation whose bottom-left part has rank 1.


3-separation with distributed ranks.


3-separation whose botom-left part has rank 2.

Function Documentation

◆ CMRdeltasumCompose()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRdeltasumCompose ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT second,
size_t *  firstSpecialRows,
size_t *  firstSpecialColumns,
size_t *  secondSpecialRows,
size_t *  secondSpecialColumns,
int8_t  characteristic,
CMR_CHRMAT **  presult 

Constructs the \( \Delta \)-sum of the two matrices first and second.

Let \( M_1 \) and \( M_2 \) denote the matrices given by first and second, let \( A \) be the matrix \( M_1 \) without the row indexed by firstSpecialRows[0] and the columns indexed by firstSpecialColumns[0] and firstSpecialColumns[1]. After reordering these to be last, \( M_1 \) must be of the form \( M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & a & a \\ c^{\textsf{T}} & 0 & \varepsilon \end{bmatrix}, \) where \( \varepsilon \in \{-1,+1 \} \) (otherwise, CMR_ERROR_STRUCTURE is returned). Similarly, let \( D \) be the matrix \( M_2 \) without the row indexed by secondSpecialRows[0] and the columns indexed by secondSpecialColumns[0] and secondSpecialColumns[1]. After reordering these to be first, \( M_2 \) must be of the form \( M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon & 0 & b^{\textsf{T}} \\ d & d & D \end{bmatrix} \) with the same \( \varepsilon \) (otherwise, CMR_ERROR_STRUCTURE is returned). The \( \Delta \)-sum of \( M_1 \) and \( M_2 \) (at these special rows/columns) is the matrix

\[ M = \begin{bmatrix} A & a b^{\textsf{T}} \\ d c^{\textsf{T}} & D \end{bmatrix}. \]

The calculations are done modulo characteristic, where the value \( 3 \) yields numbers from \( \{-1,0,+1\} \).

The resulting matrix \( M \) is created and stored in *presult.

cmrCMR environment.
firstFirst matrix.
secondSecond matrix.
firstSpecialRowsArray of length 1 with row index of \( \begin{bmatrix} c^{\textsf{T}} & 0 & \varepsilon \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_1 \).
firstSpecialColumnsArray of length 2 with column indices of \( \begin{bmatrix} a \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} \) and \( \begin{bmatrix} a \\ \varepsilon \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_1 \).
secondSpecialRowsArray of length 1 with row index of \( b^{\textsf{T}} \) \( \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon & 0 & b^{\textsf{T}} \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_2 \).
secondSpecialColumnsArray of length 2 with column indices \( \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon \\ d \end{bmatrix} \) and \( \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ d \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_2 \).
characteristicField characteristic.
presultPointer for storing the result.

◆ CMRdeltasumDecomposeEpsilon()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRdeltasumDecomposeEpsilon ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_CHRMAT transpose,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
char *  pepsilon 

Decomposes matrix as a \( \Delta \)-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing \( \varepsilon \).

The input matrix \( M \) must have a 3-separation that is given by sepa, i.e., it can be reordered to look like \( M = \begin{bmatrix} A & B \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} \), where \( \text{rank}(B) = \text{rank}(C) = 1 \). The two components of the \( \Delta \)-sum are matrices \( M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & a & a \\ c^{\textsf{T}} & 0 & \varepsilon \end{bmatrix} \) and \( M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon & 0 & b^{\textsf{T}} \\ d & d & D \end{bmatrix} \) such that \( B = a b^{\textsf{T}} \) and \( C = d c^{\textsf{T}} \) hold and such that \( a \) and \( c^{\textsf{T}} \) are an actual column and row of \( M \). Consequently, \( b^{\textsf{T}} \) and \( d \) are (possibly negated) rows and columns of \( M \).

The value of \( \varepsilon \in \{-1,+1\} \) must be so that there exists a singular submatrix of \( M_1 \) with exactly two nonzeros per row and per column that covers the top-left \( \varepsilon \)-entry.

This function only computes \( \varepsilon \); the matrices \( M_1 \) and \( M_2 \) can be computed by CMRdeltasumDecomposeFirst and CMRdeltasumDecomposeSecond, respectively.

cmrCMR environment.
matrixInput matrix \( M \).
transposeTranspose matrix \( M^{\textsf{T}} \).
sepa3-separation to decompose at.
pepsilonPointer for storing a correct value of \( \varepsilon \).

◆ CMRdeltasumDecomposeFirst()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRdeltasumDecomposeFirst ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
char  epsilon,
CMR_CHRMAT **  pfirst,
size_t *  firstRowsOrigin,
size_t *  firstColumnsOrigin,
size_t *  rowsToFirst,
size_t *  columnsToFirst,
size_t *  firstSpecialRows,
size_t *  firstSpecialColumns 

Decomposes matrix as a \( \Delta \)-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing the first component.

The input matrix \( M \) must have a 3-separation that is given by sepa, i.e., it can be reordered to look like \( M = \begin{bmatrix} A & B \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} \), where \( \text{rank}(B) = \text{rank}(C) = 1 \). The two components of the \( \Delta \)-sum are matrices \( M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & a & a \\ c^{\textsf{T}} & 0 & \varepsilon \end{bmatrix} \) and \( M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon & 0 & b^{\textsf{T}} \\ d & d & D \end{bmatrix} \) such that \( B = a b^{\textsf{T}} \) and \( C = d c^{\textsf{T}} \) hold and such that \( a \) and \( c^{\textsf{T}} \) are an actual column and row of \( M \). Consequently, \( b^{\textsf{T}} \) and \( d \) are (possibly negated) rows and columns of \( M \).

The value of \( \varepsilon \in \{-1,+1\} \) must be given by epsilon and should be computed by CMRdeltasumDecomposeEpsilon.

This function computes \( M_1 \), while \( M_2 \) can be computed by CMRdeltasumDecomposeSecond.

If firstSpecialRows is not NULL, then firstSpecialRows[0] will refer to the last row of \( M_1 \). If firstSpecialColumns is not NULL, then firstSpecialColumns[0] will refer to the second-to-last column and firstSpecialColumns[1] will refer to the last column of \( M_2 \).

cmrCMR environment.
matrixInput matrix \( M \).
sepa3-separation to decompose at.
epsilonValue of \( \varepsilon \).
pfirstPointer for storing the first matrix \( M_1 \).
firstRowsOriginArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M_1 \) to rows of \( M \); also set for the extra row if applicable, even if negated; may be NULL.
firstColumnsOriginArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M_1 \) to columns of \( M \); also set for the extra column if applicable, even if negated; may be NULL.
rowsToFirstArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M \) to rows of \( M_1 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
columnsToFirstArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M \) to columns of \( M_1 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
firstSpecialRowsArray of length 1 for storing the row index of \( \begin{bmatrix} c^{\textsf{T}} & 0 & \varepsilon \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_1 \); may be NULL.
firstSpecialColumnsArray of length 2 for storing the column indices of \( \begin{bmatrix} a \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} \) and \( \begin{bmatrix} a \\ \varepsilon \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_1 \); may be NULL.

◆ CMRdeltasumDecomposeSecond()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRdeltasumDecomposeSecond ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
char  epsilon,
CMR_CHRMAT **  psecond,
size_t *  secondRowsOrigin,
size_t *  secondColumnsOrigin,
size_t *  rowsToSecond,
size_t *  columnsToSecond,
size_t *  secondSpecialRows,
size_t *  secondSpecialColumns 

Decomposes matrix as a \( \Delta \)-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing the second component.

The input matrix \( M \) must have a 3-separation that is given by sepa, i.e., it can be reordered to look like \( M = \begin{bmatrix} A & B \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} \), where \( \text{rank}(B) = \text{rank}(C) = 1 \). The two components of the \( \Delta \)-sum are matrices \( M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & a & a \\ c^{\textsf{T}} & 0 & \varepsilon \end{bmatrix} \) and \( M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon & 0 & b^{\textsf{T}} \\ d & d & D \end{bmatrix} \) such that \( B = a b^{\textsf{T}} \) and \( C = d c^{\textsf{T}} \) hold and such that \( a \) and \( c^{\textsf{T}} \) are an actual column and row of \( M \). Consequently, \( b^{\textsf{T}} \) and \( d \) are (possibly negated) rows and columns of \( M \).

The value of \( \varepsilon \in \{-1,+1\} \) must be given by epsilon and should be computed by CMRdeltasumDecomposeEpsilon.

This function computes \( M_2 \), while \( M_1 \) can be computed by CMRdeltasumDecomposeFirst.

If secondSpecialRows is not NULL, then secondSpecialRows[0] will refer to the first row of \( M_2 \). If secondSpecialColumns is not NULL, then secondSpecialColumns[0] will refer to the first column and secondSpecialColumns[1] will refer to the second column of \( M_2 \).

cmrCMR environment.
matrixInput matrix \( M \).
sepa3-separation to decompose at.
epsilonValue of \( \varepsilon \).
psecondPointer for storing the second matrix \( M_2 \).
secondRowsOriginArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M_2 \) to rows of \( M \); also set for the extra row if applicable, even if negated; may be NULL.
secondColumnsOriginArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M_2 \) to columns of \( M \); also set for the extra column if applicable, even if negated; may be NULL.
rowsToSecondArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M \) to rows of \( M_2 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
columnsToSecondArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M \) to columns of \( M_2 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
secondSpecialRowsArray of length 1 for storing the row index of \( \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon & 0 & b^{\textsf{T}} \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_2 \); may be NULL.
secondSpecialColumnsArray of length 2 for storing the column indices of \( \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon \\ d \end{bmatrix} \) and \( \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ d \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_2 \); may be NULL.

◆ CMRonesumCompose()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRonesumCompose ( CMR cmr,
size_t  numMatrices,
CMR_CHRMAT **  matrices,
CMR_CHRMAT **  presult 

Composes the 1-sum of the several matrices.

Let \( A_1, A_2, \dotsc, A_k \) denote the matrices given by the array matrices. Their 1-sum is the matrix

\[ B := \begin{bmatrix} A_1 & \mathbb{O} & \dots & \mathbb{O} \\ \mathbb{O} & A_2 & & \vdots \\ \vdots & & \ddots & \mathbb{O} \\ \mathbb{O} & \dots & \mathbb{O} & A_k \end{bmatrix}. \]

The resulting matrix \( B \) is created and stored in *presult.

See also
CMRdecomposeBlocks for a decomposition of a given matrix \( B \) into \( A_i \).
cmrCMR environment.
numMatricesNumber \( k \) of matrices in the sum.
matricesFirst matrix.
presultPointer for storing the result.

◆ CMRsepaCheckTernary()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaCheckTernary ( CMR cmr,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
bool *  pisTernary,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pviolator 

Checks for a given matrix whether the binary k-separation is also a ternary one.

Checks, for a ternary input matrix \( M \) and a k-separation ( \( k \in \{2,3\} \)) of the (binary) support matrix of \( M \), whether it is also a k-separation of \( M \) itself. The result is stored in *pisTernary.

If the check fails, a violating 2-by-2 submatrix is returned.

cmrCMR environment.
pisTernaryPointer for storing whether the check passed.
pviolatorPointer for storing a violator submatrix (may be NULL).

◆ CMRsepaCheckTernarySubmatrix()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaCheckTernarySubmatrix ( CMR cmr,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_SUBMAT submatrix,
bool *  pisTernary,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pviolator 

Checks for a submatrix of a given matrix whether the binary k-separation is also a ternary one.

Checks, for a ternary input matrix \( M \) and a k-separation ( \( k \in \{2,3\} \)) of the (binary) support matrix of \( M \), whether it is also a k-separation of \( M \) itself. The result is stored in *pisTernary.

If the check fails, a certifying submatrix is returned in *pviolator. Its row/column indices refer to submatrix.

cmrCMR environment.
submatrixSubmatrix to consider.
pisTernaryPointer for storing whether the check passed.
pviolatorPointer for storing a violator submatrix (may be NULL).

◆ CMRsepaComputeSizes()

size_t *  pnumRowsTopLeft,
size_t *  pnumColumnsTopLeft,
size_t *  pnumRowsBottomRight,
size_t *  pnumColumnsBottomRight 

Computes the sizes of the top-left and bottom-right parts.

pnumRowsTopLeftPointer for storing the number of rows of the top-left part.
pnumColumnsTopLeftPointer for storing the number of columns of the top-left part.
pnumRowsBottomRightPointer for storing the number of rows of the bottom-right part.
pnumColumnsBottomRightPointer for storing the number of columns of the bottom-right part.

◆ CMRsepaCreate()

size_t  numRows,
size_t  numColumns,
CMR_SEPA **  psepa 

Creates a 2- or 3-separation.

Only the memory is allocated. The rowsFlags and columnsFlags arrays must be filled properly.

cmrCMR environment.
numRowsNumber of rows.
numColumnsNumber of columns.
psepaPointer for storing the created separation.

◆ CMRsepaFindBinaryRepresentatives()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaFindBinaryRepresentatives ( CMR cmr,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_CHRMAT transpose,
bool *  pswapped,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pviolator 

Scans the support of matrix to compute all representative rows/columns for sepa and sets the type.

Assumes that the sum of the ranks of the off-diagonal blocks is at most 2. Potentially swaps parts to ensure that the rank of the bottom-left submatrix is at least that of the top-right submatrix. Sets the rowsFlags and columnsFlags attributes accordingly.

cmrCMR environment.
transposeTranspose of matrix.
pswappedPointer for storing whether parts were swapped (may be NULL).
pviolatorPointer for storing a violator submatrix if the ternary rank differs (may be NULL).

◆ CMRsepaFindBinaryRepresentativesSubmatrix()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaFindBinaryRepresentativesSubmatrix ( CMR cmr,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_CHRMAT transpose,
CMR_SUBMAT submatrix,
bool *  pswapped,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pviolator 

Scans the support of submatrix of matrix to compute all representative rows/columns for sepa and sets the type.

Assumes that the sum of the ranks of the off-diagonal blocks is at most 2. Potentially swaps parts to ensure that the rank of the bottom-left submatrix is at least that of the top-right submatrix. Sets the rowsFlags and columnsFlags attributes accordingly.

cmrCMR environment.
transposeTranspose of matrix.
submatrixSubmatrix of matrix.
pswappedPointer for storing whether parts were swapped (may be NULL).
pviolatorPointer for storing a violator submatrix if the ternary rank differs (may be NULL).

◆ CMRsepaFree()

CMR_SEPA **  psepa 

Frees a separation.

cmrCMR environment.
psepaPointer to separation.

◆ CMRsepaGetProjection()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaGetProjection ( CMR_SEPA sepa,
size_t  part,
size_t *  rowsToPart,
size_t *  columnsToPart,
size_t *  pnumPartRows,
size_t *  pnumPartColumns 

Creates mappings from rows/columns to those of part; also maps up to 3 representative rows/columns.

partPart to project.
rowsToPartArray for storing the mapping from rows to those of part. Must be large enough.
columnsToPartArray for storing the mapping from columns to those of part. Must be large enough.
pnumPartRowsPointer for storing the number of rows of part (excluding representatives).
pnumPartColumnsPointer for storing the number of columns of part (excluding representatives).

◆ CMRsepaGetRepresentatives()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaGetRepresentatives ( CMR_SEPA sepa,
size_t  reprRows[2][3],
size_t  reprColumns[2][3] 

Returns representative rows/columns of the low-rank submatrices.

reprRowsArray mapping child to arrays of (at most 3) different representative rows.
reprColumnsArray mapping child to arrays of (at most 3) different representative columns.

◆ CMRsepaTranspose()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRsepaTranspose ( CMR cmr,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
CMR_SEPA **  ptransposed 

Transposes a given separation.

cmrCMR environment.
sepaGiven separation.
ptransposedPointer for storing the transpose of sepa.

◆ CMRthreesumCompose()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRthreesumCompose ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT second,
size_t *  firstSpecialRows,
size_t *  firstSpecialColumns,
size_t *  secondSpecialRows,
size_t *  secondSpecialColumns,
int8_t  characteristic,
CMR_CHRMAT **  presult 

Constructs the 3-sum of the two matrices first and second at connecting rows firstSpecialRows and secondSpecialRows and columns firstSpecialColumns and secondSpecialColumns.

Let \( M_1 \) and \( M_2 \) denote the matrices given by first and second, let \( A \) be the matrix \( M_1 \) without the rows firstSpecialRows[0] and firstSpecialRows[1] and column firstSpecialColumns[2]. After permuting these to be last, \( M_1 \) must be of the form

\[ M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & \mathbb{O} \\ C_{i,\star} & \alpha \\ C_{j,\star} & \beta \end{bmatrix}, \]

where \( \alpha,\beta \in \{-1,+1 \} \) (otherwise, CMR_ERROR_STRUCTURE is returned). Let \( D \) be the matrix \( M_2 \) without the row secondSpecialRows[0] and columns secondSpecialColumns[0] and secondSpecialColumns[1]. After reordering these to be first, \( M_2 \) must be of the form

\[ M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} \gamma & \delta & \mathbb{O}^{\textsf{T}} \\ C_{\star,k} & C_{\star,\ell} & D \end{bmatrix}, \]

where \( \gamma,\delta \in \{ -1,+1 \} \) (otherwise, CMR_ERROR_STRUCTURE is returned) and such that the matrix

\[ N = \begin{bmatrix} \gamma & \delta & 0 \\ C_{i,k} & C_{i,\ell} & \alpha \\ C_{j,k} & C_{j,\ell} & \beta \end{bmatrix} \]

is totally unimodular (otherwise, CMR_ERROR_STRUCTURE is returned). The columns firstSpecialColumns[0] and firstSpecialColumns[1] indicate the columns of \( M_1 \) that shall correspond to \( C_{\star,k}\) and \( C_{\star,\ell} \), respectively. Similarly, the rows secondSpecialRows[1] and secondSpecialRows[2] indicate the rows of \( M_2 \) that shall correspond to \( C_{i,\star}\) and \( C_{j,\star} \), respectively.

The 2-by-2 submatrix of \( M_1 \) indexed by rows firstSpecialRows[0] and firstSpecialRows[1] and columns firstSpecialColumns[0] and firstSpecialColumns[1] must be identical to the submatrix of \( M_2 \) indexed by rows secondSpecialRows[1] and secondSpecialRows[2] and columns secondSpecialColumns[0] and secondSpecialColumns[1], which is the matrix \( C_{\{i,j\},\{k,\ell\}} \).

The 3-sum of \( M_1 \) and \( M_2 \) (at these rows/columns) is the matrix

\[ M = \begin{bmatrix} A & \mathbb{O} \\ C & D \end{bmatrix}, \]

where \( C \) is the unique rank-2 matrix having linearly independent rows \( C_{i,\star} \) and \( C_{j,\star} \) and linearly independent columns \( C_{\star,k} \) and \( C_{\star,\ell} \). The calculations are done modulo characteristic, where the value \( 3 \) yields numbers from \( \{-1,0,+1\} \).

The resulting matrix \( M \) is created and stored in *presult.

cmrCMR environment.
firstFirst matrix.
secondSecond matrix.
firstSpecialRowsArray of length 2 with the last two rows of the connecting submatrix in first.
firstSpecialColumnsArray of length 3 with all columns of the connecting submatrix in first.
secondSpecialRowsArray of length 3 with the all rows of the connecting submatrix in second.
secondSpecialColumnsArray of length 2 with the first two columns of connecting submatrix in second.
characteristicField characteristic.
presultPointer for storing the result.

◆ CMRthreesumDecomposeFirst()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRthreesumDecomposeFirst ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
size_t *  specialRows,
size_t *  specialColumns,
char  beta,
CMR_CHRMAT **  pfirst,
size_t *  firstRowsOrigin,
size_t *  firstColumnsOrigin,
size_t *  rowsToFirst,
size_t *  columnsToFirst,
size_t *  firstSpecialRows,
size_t *  firstSpecialColumns 

Decomposes matrix as a 3-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing the first component.

The input matrix \( M \) must have a 3-separation that is given by sepa, i.e., it can be reordered to look like \( M = \begin{bmatrix} A & \mathbb{O} \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} \), where \( \text{rank}(C) = 2 \). The two components of the 3-sum are matrices

\[ M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & \mathbb{O} \\ C_{i,\star} & 1 \\ C_{j,\star} & \beta \end{bmatrix} \]


\[ M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} \gamma & 1 & \mathbb{O}^{\textsf{T}} \\ C_{\star,k} & C_{\star,\ell} & D \end{bmatrix}, \]

where \( \beta,\gamma \in \{-1,+1 \} \), \(\text{rank}(C_{\{i,j\},\{k,\ell\}}) = 2\) and such that

\[ N := \begin{bmatrix} \gamma & 1 & 0 \\ C_{i,k} & C_{i,\ell} & 1 \\ C_{j,k} & C_{j,\ell} & \beta \end{bmatrix} \]

is totally unimodular.

The value of \( \beta \in \{-1,+1\} \), given via beta. The row indices \( i,j \), given via specialRows, and column indices \( k,\ell \), given via specialColumns, must index a rank-2 submatrix of \( C \). They can be computed by CMRthreesumDecomposeSearchConnecting.

This function computes \( M_1 \), while \( M_2 \) can be computed by CMRthreesumDecomposeSecond.

If firstSpecialRows is not NULL, then firstSpecialRows[0] and firstSpecialRows[1] will refer to the last two rows of \( M_1 \). If firstSpecialColumns is not NULL, then firstSpecialColumns[0] and firstSpecialColumns[1] will refer to the two columns containing \( C_{\star,k}\) and \( C_{\star,\ell} \) as columns of \( M_1 \), and firstSpecialColumns[2] will refer to the last (artificial) column.

cmrCMR environment.
matrixInput matrix \( M \).
sepa3-separation to decompose at.
specialRowsArray of length 2 with the rows \( i \) and \( j \) as rows of \( M \).
specialColumnsArray of length 2 with the columns \( k \) and \( \ell \) as rows of \( M \).
betaValue of \( \beta \).
pfirstPointer for storing the first matrix \( M_1 \).
firstRowsOriginArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M_1 \) to rows of \( M \); may be NULL.
firstColumnsOriginArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M_1 \) to columns of \( M \); set to SIZE_MAX for the last column; may be NULL.
rowsToFirstArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M \) to rows of \( M_1 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
columnsToFirstArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M \) to columns of \( M_1 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
firstSpecialRowsArray of length 2 for storing the row indices of \( C_{i,\star} \) and of \( C_{j,\star} \) in \( M_1 \); may be NULL.
firstSpecialColumnsArray of length 3 for storing the column indices of \( C_{\star,k} \), of \( C_{\star,\ell} \) and of the artificial column in \( M_1 \); may be NULL.

◆ CMRthreesumDecomposeSearchConnecting()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRthreesumDecomposeSearchConnecting ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_CHRMAT transpose,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
size_t *  specialRows,
size_t *  specialColumns,
char *  pgamma,
char *  pbeta 

Decomposes matrix as a 3-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, searching a suitable connecing matrix.

The input matrix \( M \) must have a 3-separation that is given by sepa, i.e., it can be reordered to look like \( M = \begin{bmatrix} A & \mathbb{O} \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} \), where \( \text{rank}(C) = 2 \). The two components of the 3-sum are matrices

\[ M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & \mathbb{O} \\ C_{i,\star} & 1 \\ C_{j,\star} & \beta \end{bmatrix} \]


\[ M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} \gamma & 1 & \mathbb{O}^{\textsf{T}} \\ C_{\star,k} & C_{\star,\ell} & D \end{bmatrix}, \]

where \( \beta,\gamma \in \{-1,+1 \} \), \(\text{rank}(C_{\{i,j\},\{k,\ell\}}) = 2\) and such that

\[ N := \begin{bmatrix} \gamma & 1 & 0 \\ C_{i,k} & C_{i,\ell} & 1 \\ C_{j,k} & C_{j,\ell} & \beta \end{bmatrix} \]

is totally unimodular.

The value of \( \beta \in \{-1,+1\} \) must be so that there exists a singular submatrix of \( M_1 \) with exactly two nonzeros per row and per column that covers the bottom-right \( \beta \)-entry.

This function only computes the indices \( i,j,k,\ell \) as well as values for \( \beta \) and \( \gamma \); the matrices \( M_1 \) and \( M_2 \) can be computed by CMRthreesumDecomposeFirst and CMRthreesumDecomposeSecond, respectively. If only \( \beta \) and \( \gamma \) shall be computed for given \( i,j,k,\ell \) then CMRthreesumDecomposeSignConnecting can be used.

cmrCMR environment.
matrixInput matrix \( M \).
transposeTranspose matrix \( M^{\textsf{T}} \).
sepa3-separation to decompose at.
specialRowsArray of length 2 for storing the rows \( i \) and \( j \) as rows of \( M \).
specialColumnsArray of length 2 for storing the columns \( k \) and \( \ell \) as rows of \( M \).
pgammaPointer for storing a correct value of \( \gamma \); may be NULL.
pbetaPointer for storing a correct value of \( \beta \); may be NULL.

◆ CMRthreesumDecomposeSecond()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRthreesumDecomposeSecond ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
size_t *  specialRows,
size_t *  specialColumns,
char  gamma,
CMR_CHRMAT **  psecond,
size_t *  secondRowsOrigin,
size_t *  secondColumnsOrigin,
size_t *  rowsToSecond,
size_t *  columnsToSecond,
size_t *  secondSpecialRows,
size_t *  secondSpecialColumns 

Decomposes matrix as a 3-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing the second component.

The input matrix \( M \) must have a 3-separation that is given by sepa, i.e., it can be reordered to look like \( M = \begin{bmatrix} A & \mathbb{O} \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} \), where \( \text{rank}(C) = 2 \). The two components of the 3-sum are matrices

\[ M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & \mathbb{O} \\ C_{i,\star} & 1 \\ C_{j,\star} & \beta \end{bmatrix} \]


\[ M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} \gamma & 1 & \mathbb{O}^{\textsf{T}} \\ C_{\star,k} & C_{\star,\ell} & D \end{bmatrix}, \]

where \( \beta,\gamma \in \{-1,+1 \} \), \(\text{rank}(C_{\{i,j\},\{k,\ell\}}) = 2\) and such that

\[ N := \begin{bmatrix} \gamma & 1 & 0 \\ C_{i,k} & C_{i,\ell} & 1 \\ C_{j,k} & C_{j,\ell} & \beta \end{bmatrix} \]

is totally unimodular.

The value of \( \gamma \in \{-1,+1\} \), given via gamma. The row indices \( i,j \), given via specialRows, and column indices \( k,\ell \), given via specialColumns, must index a rank-2 submatrix of \( C \). They can be computed by CMRthreesumDecomposeSearchConnecting.

This function computes \( M_2 \), while \( M_1 \) can be computed by CMRthreesumDecomposeFirst.

If secondSpecialRows is not NULL, then secondSpecialRows[0] will refer to the first (artificial) row and secondSpecialRows[1] and secondSpecialRows[2] will refer to the two rows containing \( C_{i,\star} \) and \( C_{j,\star} \) as rows of \( M_2 \). If secondSpecialColumns is not NULL, then secondSpecialColumns[0] and secondSpecialColumns[1] will refer to the first two columns of \( M_2 \).

cmrCMR environment.
matrixInput matrix \( M \).
sepa3-separation to decompose at.
specialRowsArray of length 2 with the rows \( i \) and \( j \) as rows of \( M \).
specialColumnsArray of length 2 with the columns \( k \) and \( \ell \) as rows of \( M \).
gammaValue of \( \gamma \).
psecondPointer for storing the second matrix \( M_2 \).
secondRowsOriginArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M_2 \) to rows of \( M \); set to SIZE_MAX for the first row; may be NULL.
secondColumnsOriginArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M_2 \) to columns of \( M \); may be NULL.
rowsToSecondArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M \) to rows of \( M_2 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
columnsToSecondArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M \) to columns of \( M_2 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
secondSpecialRowsArray of length 3 for storing the row indices of the artificial row, of \( C_{i,\star} \) and of \( C_{j,\star} \) in \( M_2 \); may be NULL.
secondSpecialColumnsArray of length 2 for storing the column indices of \( C_{\star,k} \) and of \( C_{\star,\ell} \) in \( M_2 \); may be NULL.

◆ CMRthreesumDecomposeSignConnecting()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRthreesumDecomposeSignConnecting ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_CHRMAT transpose,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
size_t *  specialRows,
size_t *  specialColumns,
char *  pgamma,
char *  pbeta 

Decomposes matrix as a 3-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, searching a suitable connecing matrix.

The input matrix \( M \) must have a 3-separation that is given by sepa, i.e., it can be reordered to look like \( M = \begin{bmatrix} A & \mathbb{O} \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} \), where \( \text{rank}(C) = 2 \). The two components of the 3-sum are matrices

\[ M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & \mathbb{O} \\ C_{i,\star} & 1 \\ C_{j,\star} & \beta \end{bmatrix} \]


\[ M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} \gamma & 1 & \mathbb{O}^{\textsf{T}} \\ C_{\star,k} & C_{\star,\ell} & D \end{bmatrix}, \]

where \( \beta,\gamma \in \{-1,+1 \} \), \(\text{rank}(C_{\{i,j\},\{k,\ell\}}) = 2\) and such that

\[ N := \begin{bmatrix} \gamma & 1 & 0 \\ C_{i,k} & C_{i,\ell} & 1 \\ C_{j,k} & C_{j,\ell} & \beta \end{bmatrix} \]

is totally unimodular.

The value of \( \beta \in \{-1,+1\} \) must be so that there exists a singular submatrix of \( M_1 \) with exactly two nonzeros per row and per column that covers the bottom-right \( \beta \)-entry.

This function tries to compute values for \( \beta \) and \( \gamma \) for given indices \( i,j,k,\ell \) if this is possible. If the latter are not known, CMRthreesumDecomposeSearchConnecting can be used. In either case, the matrices \( M_1 \) and \( M_2 \) can be computed by CMRthreesumDecomposeFirst and CMRthreesumDecomposeSecond, respectively.

cmrCMR environment.
matrixInput matrix \( M \).
transposeTranspose matrix \( M^{\textsf{T}} \).
sepa3-separation to decompose at.
specialRowsArray of length 2 with the rows \( i \) and \( j \) as rows of \( M \).
specialColumnsArray of length 2 with the columns \( k \) and \( \ell \) as rows of \( M \).
pgammaPointer for storing a correct value of \( \gamma \); may be NULL.
pbetaPointer for storing a correct value of \( \beta \); may be NULL.

◆ CMRtwosumCompose()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRtwosumCompose ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT second,
size_t *  firstSpecialRows,
size_t *  firstSpecialColumns,
size_t *  secondSpecialRows,
size_t *  secondSpecialColumns,
int8_t  characteristic,
CMR_CHRMAT **  presult 

Composes the 2-sum of the two matrices first and second with connecting elements firstMarker and secondMarker.

Depending on the input, one of two variants of the 2-sum of two matrices \( M_1 \), given by first and \( M_2 \), given by second are computed. For the first variant, consider the matrices \( M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A \\ c^{\textsf{T}} \end{bmatrix} \) and \( M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} d & D \end{bmatrix} \). Then the 2-sum is the matrix

\[ M := \begin{bmatrix} A & \mathbb{O} \\ d c^{\textsf{T}} & D \end{bmatrix}. \]

To obtain this 2-sum, the arrays firstSpecialRows and secondSpecialColumns must be arrays of length 1, consisting of the row index of \( c^{\textsf{T}} \) of \( M_1 \) and of the column index of \( d \) of \( M_2 \). For the other variant, consider the matrices \( M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & a \end{bmatrix} \) and \( M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} b^{\textsf{T}} \\ D \end{bmatrix} \). Then the 2-sum is the matrix

\[ M := \begin{bmatrix} A & a b^{\textsf{T}} \\ \mathbb{O} & D \end{bmatrix}. \]

To obtain this 2-sum, the arrays firstSpecialColumns and secondSpecialRows must be arrays of length 1, consisting of the column index of \( a \) of \( M_1 \) and of the row index of \( b^{\textsf{T}} \) of \( M_2 \).

The calculations are done modulo characteristic, where the value \( 3 \) yields numbers from \( \{-1,0,+1\} \).

The resulting matrix \( M \) is created and stored in *presult.

cmrCMR environment.
firstFirst matrix \( M_1 \).
secondSecond matrix \( M_2 \).
firstSpecialRowsArray of length 1 with row index of \( c^{\textsf{T}} \) or NULL.
firstSpecialColumnsArray of length 1 with column index of \( a \) or NULL.
secondSpecialRowsArray of length 1 with row index of \( b^{\textsf{T}} \) or NULL.
secondSpecialColumnsArray of length 1 with column index of \( d \) or NULL.
characteristicField characteristic.
presultPointer for storing the result.

◆ CMRtwosumDecomposeFirst()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRtwosumDecomposeFirst ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
CMR_CHRMAT **  pfirst,
size_t *  firstRowsOrigin,
size_t *  firstColumnsOrigin,
size_t *  rowsToFirst,
size_t *  columnsToFirst,
size_t *  firstSpecialRows,
size_t *  firstSpecialColumns 

Decomposes matrix as a 2-sum according to the 2-separation sepa, computing the first component.

The input matrix \( M \) must have a 2-separation that is given by sepa, i.e., it can be reordered to look like \( M = \begin{bmatrix} A & B \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} \), where \( \text{rank}(B) + \text{rank}(C) = 1 \). If \( \text{rank}(B) = \mathbb{O} \) then the two components of the 2-sum are matrices \( M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A \\ c^{\textsf{T}} \end{bmatrix} \) and \( M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} d & D \end{bmatrix} \) such that \( C = d c^{\textsf{T}} \) holds and such that \( c^{\textsf{T}} \) is an actual row of \( M \). Otherwise, the two components of the 2-sum are matrices \( M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & a \end{bmatrix} \) and \( M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} b^{\textsf{T}} \\ D \end{bmatrix} \) such that \( B = a b^{\textsf{T}} \) holds and such that \( a \) is an actual column of \( M \).

This function computes \( M_1 \), while \( M_2 \) can be computed by CMRtwosumDecomposeSecond.

For the first variant, if firstSpecialRows is not NULL then *firstSpecialRows[0] will be the last row.
For the second variant, if firstSpecialColumns is not NULL then *firstSpecialColumns[0] will be the last column.
cmrCMR environment.
matrixInput matrix \( M \).
sepa2-separation to decompose at.
pfirstPointer for storing the first matrix \( M_1 \).
firstRowsOriginArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M_1 \) to rows of \( M \); also set for the extra row if applicable; may be NULL.
firstColumnsOriginArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M_1 \) to columns of \( M \); also set for the extra column if applicable; may be NULL.
rowsToFirstArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M \) to rows of \( M_1 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
columnsToFirstArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M \) to columns of \( M_1 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
firstSpecialRowsEither NULL or an array for storing the row index of \( c^{\textsf{T}} \) in \( M_1 \).
firstSpecialColumnsEither NULL or an array for storing the column index of \( a \) in \( M_1 \).

◆ CMRtwosumDecomposeSecond()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRtwosumDecomposeSecond ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
CMR_CHRMAT **  psecond,
size_t *  secondRowsOrigin,
size_t *  secondColumnsOrigin,
size_t *  rowsToSecond,
size_t *  columnsToSecond,
size_t *  secondSpecialRows,
size_t *  secondSpecialColumns 

Decomposes matrix as a 2-sum according to the 2-separation sepa, computing the second component.

The input matrix \( M \) must have a 2-separation that is given by sepa, i.e., it can be reordered to look like \( M = \begin{bmatrix} A & B \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} \), where \( \text{rank}(B) + \text{rank}(C) = 1 \). If \( \text{rank}(B) = \mathbb{O} \) then the two components of the 2-sum are matrices \( M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A \\ c^{\textsf{T}} \end{bmatrix} \) and \( M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} d & D \end{bmatrix} \) such that \( C = d c^{\textsf{T}} \) holds and such that \( c^{\textsf{T}} \) is an actual row of \( M \). Otherwise, the two components of the 2-sum are matrices \( M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & a \end{bmatrix} \) and \( M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} b^{\textsf{T}} \\ D \end{bmatrix} \) such that \( B = a b^{\textsf{T}} \) holds and such that \( a \) is an actual column of \( M \).

This function computes \( M_2 \), while \( M_1 \) can be computed by CMRtwosumDecomposeFirst.

For the first variant, if secondSpecialColumns is not NULL then *secondSpecialColumns[0] will be the first column.
For the second variant, if secondSpecialRows is not NULL then *secondSpecialRows[0] will be the first row.
cmrCMR environment.
matrixInput matrix \( M \).
sepa2-separation to decompose at.
psecondPointer for storing the second matrix \( M_2 \).
secondRowsOriginArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M_2 \) to rows of \( M \); also set for the extra row if applicable; may be NULL.
secondColumnsOriginArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M_2 \) to columns of \( M \); also set for the extra column if applicable; may be NULL.
rowsToSecondArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M \) to rows of \( M_2 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
columnsToSecondArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M \) to columns of \( M_2 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
secondSpecialRowsEither NULL or an array for storing the row index of \( b^{\textsf{T}} \) in \( M_2 \).
secondSpecialColumnsEither NULL or an array for storing the column index of \( d \) in \( M_2 \).

◆ CMRysumCompose()

CMR_CHRMAT second,
size_t *  firstSpecialRows,
size_t *  firstSpecialColumns,
size_t *  secondSpecialRows,
size_t *  secondSpecialColumns,
int8_t  characteristic,
CMR_CHRMAT **  presult 

Constructs the Y-sum of the two matrices first and second.

Let \( M_1 \) and \( M_2 \) denote the matrices given by first and second, let \( A \) be the matrix \( M_1 \) without the rows indexed by firstSpecialRows[0] and firstSpecialRows[1] and the column indexed by firstSpecialColumns[0]. After reordering these to be last, \( M_1 \) must be of the form \( M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & a \\ c^{\textsf{T}} & 0 \\ c^{\textsf{T}} & \varepsilon \end{bmatrix}, \) where \( \varepsilon \in \{-1,+1 \} \) (otherwise, CMR_ERROR_STRUCTURE is returned). Similarly, let \( D \) be the matrix \( M_2 \) without the rows indexed by secondSpecialRows[0] and secondSpecialRows[1] the column secondSpecialColumns[0]. After reordering these to be first, \( M_2 \) must be of the form \( M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon & b^{\textsf{T}} \\ 0 & b^{\textsf{T}} \\ d & D \end{bmatrix} \) with the same \( \varepsilon \) (otherwise, CMR_ERROR_STRUCTURE is returned). The Y-sum of \( M_1 \) and \( M_2 \) (at these special rows/columns) is the matrix

\[ M = \begin{bmatrix} A & a b^{\textsf{T}} \\ d c^{\textsf{T}} & D \end{bmatrix}. \]

The calculations are done modulo characteristic, where the value \( 3 \) yields numbers from \( \{-1,0,+1\} \).

The resulting matrix \( M \) is created and stored in *presult.

cmrCMR environment.
firstFirst matrix.
secondSecond matrix.
firstSpecialRowsArray of length 2 with row indices of \( \begin{bmatrix} c^{\textsf{T}} & 0 \end{bmatrix} \) and \( \begin{bmatrix} c^{\textsf{T}} & \varepsilon \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_1 \).
firstSpecialColumnsArray of length 1 with row index of \( \begin{bmatrix} a \\ 0 \\ \varepsilon \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_1 \).
secondSpecialRowsArray of length 2 with row indices of \( b^{\textsf{T}} \) \( \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon & b^{\textsf{T}} \end{bmatrix} \) and \( \begin{bmatrix} 0 & b^{\textsf{T}} \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_2 \).
secondSpecialColumnsArray of length 1 with column index \( \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon \\ 0 \\ d \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_2 \).
characteristicField characteristic.
presultPointer for storing the result.

◆ CMRysumDecomposeEpsilon()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRysumDecomposeEpsilon ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_CHRMAT transpose,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
char *  pepsilon 

Decomposes matrix as a Y-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing \( \varepsilon \).

The input matrix \( M \) must have a 3-separation that is given by sepa, i.e., it can be reordered to look like \( M = \begin{bmatrix} A & B \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} \), where \( \text{rank}(B) = \text{rank}(C) = 1 \). The two components of the Y-sum are matrices \( M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & a \\ c^{\textsf{T}} & 0 \\ c^{\textsf{T}} & \varepsilon \end{bmatrix} \) and \( M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon & b^{\textsf{T}} \\ 0 & b^{\textsf{T}} \\ d & D \end{bmatrix} \) such that \( B = a b^{\textsf{T}} \) and \( C = d c^{\textsf{T}} \) hold and such that \( a \) and \( c^{\textsf{T}} \) are an actual column and row of \( M \). Consequently, \( b^{\textsf{T}} \) and \( d \) are (possibly negated) rows and columns of \( M \).

The value of \( \varepsilon \in \{-1,+1\} \) must be so that there exists a singular submatrix of \( M_1 \) with exactly two nonzeros per row and per column that covers the top-left \( \varepsilon \)-entry.

This function only computes \( \varepsilon \); the matrices \( M_1 \) and \( M_2 \) can be computed by CMRysumDecomposeFirst and CMRysumDecomposeSecond, respectively.

cmrCMR environment.
matrixInput matrix \( M \).
transposeTranspose matrix \( M^{\textsf{T}} \).
sepa3-separation to decompose at.
pepsilonPointer for storing a correct value of \( \varepsilon \).

◆ CMRysumDecomposeFirst()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRysumDecomposeFirst ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
char  epsilon,
CMR_CHRMAT **  pfirst,
size_t *  firstRowsOrigin,
size_t *  firstColumnsOrigin,
size_t *  rowsToFirst,
size_t *  columnsToFirst,
size_t *  firstSpecialRows,
size_t *  firstSpecialColumns 

Decomposes matrix as a Y-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing the first component.

The input matrix \( M \) must have a 3-separation that is given by sepa, i.e., it can be reordered to look like \( M = \begin{bmatrix} A & B \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} \), where \( \text{rank}(B) = \text{rank}(C) = 1 \). The two components of the Y-sum are matrices \( M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & a \\ c^{\textsf{T}} & 0 \\ c^{\textsf{T}} & \varepsilon \end{bmatrix} \) and \( M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon & b^{\textsf{T}} \\ 0 & b^{\textsf{T}} \\ d & D \end{bmatrix} \) such that \( B = a b^{\textsf{T}} \) and \( C = d c^{\textsf{T}} \) hold and such that \( a \) and \( c^{\textsf{T}} \) are an actual column and row of \( M \). Consequently, \( b^{\textsf{T}} \) and \( d \) are (possibly negated) rows and columns of \( M \).

The value of \( \varepsilon \in \{-1,+1\} \) must be given by epsilon and should be computed by CMRysumDecomposeEpsilon.

This function computes \( M_1 \), while \( M_2 \) can be computed by CMRysumDecomposeSecond.

If firstSpecialRows is not NULL, then firstSpecialRows[0] will refer to the second-to-last row and firstSpecialRows[1] will refer to the last row of \( M_1 \). If firstSpecialColumns is not NULL, then firstSpecialColumns[0] will refer to the last column of \( M_2 \).

cmrCMR environment.
matrixInput matrix \( M \).
sepa3-separation to decompose at.
epsilonValue of \( \varepsilon \).
pfirstPointer for storing the first matrix \( M_1 \).
firstRowsOriginArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M_1 \) to rows of \( M \); also set for the extra row if applicable, even if negated; may be NULL.
firstColumnsOriginArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M_1 \) to columns of \( M \); also set for the extra column if applicable, even if negated; may be NULL.
rowsToFirstArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M \) to rows of \( M_1 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
columnsToFirstArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M \) to columns of \( M_1 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
firstSpecialRowsArray of length 2 for storing the row indices of \( \begin{bmatrix} c^{\textsf{T}} & 0 \end{bmatrix} \) and \( \begin{bmatrix} c^{\textsf{T}} & \varepsilon \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_1 \); may be NULL.
firstSpecialColumnsArray of length 1 for storing the column index of \( \begin{bmatrix} a \\ 0 \\ \varepsilon \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_1 \); may be NULL.

◆ CMRysumDecomposeSecond()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRysumDecomposeSecond ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_SEPA sepa,
char  epsilon,
CMR_CHRMAT **  psecond,
size_t *  secondRowsOrigin,
size_t *  secondColumnsOrigin,
size_t *  rowsToSecond,
size_t *  columnsToSecond,
size_t *  secondSpecialRows,
size_t *  secondSpecialColumns 

Decomposes matrix as a Y-sum according to the 3-separation sepa, computing the second component.

The input matrix \( M \) must have a 3-separation that is given by sepa, i.e., it can be reordered to look like \( M = \begin{bmatrix} A & B \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} \), where \( \text{rank}(B) = \text{rank}(C) = 1 \). The two components of the Y-sum are matrices \( M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} A & a \\ c^{\textsf{T}} & 0 \\ c^{\textsf{T}} & \varepsilon \end{bmatrix} \) and \( M_2 = \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon & b^{\textsf{T}} \\ 0 & b^{\textsf{T}} \\ d & D \end{bmatrix} \) such that \( B = a b^{\textsf{T}} \) and \( C = d c^{\textsf{T}} \) hold and such that \( a \) and \( c^{\textsf{T}} \) are an actual column and row of \( M \). Consequently, \( b^{\textsf{T}} \) and \( d \) are (possibly negated) rows and columns of \( M \).

The value of \( \varepsilon \in \{-1,+1\} \) must be given by epsilon and should be computed by CMRysumDecomposeEpsilon.

This function computes \( M_2 \), while \( M_1 \) can be computed by CMRysumDecomposeFirst.

If secondSpecialRows is not NULL, then secondSpecialRows[0] will refer to the first row and secondSpecialRows[1] will refer to the second column of \( M_2 \). If secondSpecialColumns is not NULL, then secondSpecialColumns[0] will refer to the first column of \( M_2 \).

cmrCMR environment.
matrixInput matrix \( M \).
sepa3-separation to decompose at.
epsilonValue of \( \varepsilon \).
psecondPointer for storing the second matrix \( M_2 \).
secondRowsOriginArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M_2 \) to rows of \( M \); also set for the extra row if applicable, even if negated; may be NULL.
secondColumnsOriginArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M_2 \) to columns of \( M \); also set for the extra column if applicable, even if negated; may be NULL.
rowsToSecondArray for storing the mapping from rows of \( M \) to rows of \( M_2 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
columnsToSecondArray for storing the mapping from columns of \( M \) to columns of \( M_2 \) or to SIZE_MAX; may be NULL.
secondSpecialRowsArray of length 2 for storing the row indices of \( \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon & b^{\textsf{T}} \end{bmatrix} \) and \( \begin{bmatrix} 0 & b^{\textsf{T}} \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_2 \); may be NULL.
secondSpecialColumnsArray of length 1 for storing the column index of \( \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon \\ 0 \\ d \end{bmatrix} \) in \( M_2 \); may be NULL.