CMR  1.3.0
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series_parallel.h File Reference

Recognition of series-parallel matrices. More...

#include <cmr/element.h>
#include <cmr/matrix.h>
#include <cmr/separation.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


 Statistics for series-parallel recognition algorithm. More...
 Represents a series-parallel reduction. More...


 Initializes all statistics for series-parallel computations.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRspStatsPrint (FILE *stream, CMR_SP_STATISTICS *stats, const char *prefix)
 Prints statistics for series-parallel computations.
CMR_EXPORT char * CMRspReductionString (CMR_SP_REDUCTION reduction, char *buffer)
static bool CMRspIsRow (CMR_SP_REDUCTION reduction)
 Returns true if the series-parallel reduction removes a row, i.e., is series.
static bool CMRspIsColumn (CMR_SP_REDUCTION reduction)
 Returns true if the series-parallel reduction removes a column, i.e., is parallel.
static bool CMRspIsZero (CMR_SP_REDUCTION reduction)
 Returns true if the series-parallel reduction removes a zero vector.
static bool CMRspIsUnit (CMR_SP_REDUCTION reduction)
 Returns true if the series-parallel reduction removes a unit vector.
static bool CMRspIsCopy (CMR_SP_REDUCTION reduction)
 Returns true if the series-parallel reduction removes a vector that is a copy of another vector.
static bool CMRspIsValid (CMR_SP_REDUCTION reduction)
 Returns true if the series-parallel reduction is valid.
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRspTestBinary (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, bool *pisSeriesParallel, CMR_SP_REDUCTION *reductions, size_t *pnumReductions, CMR_SUBMAT **preducedSubmatrix, CMR_SUBMAT **pviolatorSubmatrix, CMR_SP_STATISTICS *stats, double timeLimit)
 Finds all series-parallel reductions for the binary matrix \( A \).
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRspTestTernary (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, bool *pisSeriesParallel, CMR_SP_REDUCTION *reductions, size_t *pnumReductions, CMR_SUBMAT **preducedSubmatrix, CMR_SUBMAT **pviolatorSubmatrix, CMR_SP_STATISTICS *stats, double timeLimit)
 Finds all series-parallel reductions for the ternary matrix \( A \).
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRspDecomposeBinary (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, bool *pisSeriesParallel, CMR_SP_REDUCTION *reductions, size_t maxNumReductions, size_t *pnumReductions, CMR_SUBMAT **preducedSubmatrix, CMR_SUBMAT **pviolatorSubmatrix, CMR_SEPA **pseparation, CMR_SP_STATISTICS *stats, double timeLimit)
 Finds all series-parallel reductions for the binary matrix \( A \).
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRspDecomposeTernary (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, bool *pisSeriesParallel, CMR_SP_REDUCTION *reductions, size_t maxNumReductions, size_t *pnumReductions, CMR_SUBMAT **preducedSubmatrix, CMR_SUBMAT **pviolatorSubmatrix, CMR_SEPA **pseparation, CMR_SP_STATISTICS *stats, double timeLimit)
 Finds all series-parallel reductions for the ternary matrix \( A \).

Detailed Description

Recognition of series-parallel matrices.

Matthias Walter

Function Documentation

◆ CMRspDecomposeBinary()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRspDecomposeBinary ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
bool *  pisSeriesParallel,
CMR_SP_REDUCTION reductions,
size_t  maxNumReductions,
size_t *  pnumReductions,
CMR_SUBMAT **  preducedSubmatrix,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pviolatorSubmatrix,
CMR_SEPA **  pseparation,
double  timeLimit 

Finds all series-parallel reductions for the binary matrix \( A \).

Let \( A \in \{0,1\}^{m \times n} \) with \( k \) nonzeros.

Denote by \( A' \) the (maximum) SP-reduced submatrix of \( A \). If premainingSubmatrix is not NULL, then the rows and columns of \( A' \) are stored.

If pviolatorSubmatrix is not NULL and matrix is not binary series-parallel, then a wheel-submatrix is stored (unless a 2-separation is found; see below). Note that the row/column indices refer to \( A \).

If pseparation is not NULL and during the search for a wheel-submatrix a 2-separation that does not correspond to an SP reduction is found then such a 2-separation is returned and the algorithm terminates without returning a wheel-submatrix. Note that *pseparation then contains row/column indices relative to \( A' \).

The running time is \( \mathcal{O} (m + n + k) \) assuming no hashtable collisions.

cmrCMR environment.
matrixSparse char matrix.
pisSeriesParallelPointer for storing the result.
reductionsArray for storing the SP-reductions. If not NULL, it must have capacity at least number of rows + number of columns.
maxNumReductionsMaximum number of SP-reductions. Stops when this would be exceeded.
pnumReductionsPointer for storing the number of SP-reductions; stores SIZE_MAX if **< maxNumReductions was exceeded.
preducedSubmatrixPointer for storing the SP-reduced submatrix (may be NULL).
pviolatorSubmatrixPointer for storing a wheel-submatrix (may be NULL).
pseparationPointer for storing a 2-separation (may be NULL).
statsPointer to statistics (may be NULL).
timeLimitTime limit to impose.

◆ CMRspDecomposeTernary()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRspDecomposeTernary ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
bool *  pisSeriesParallel,
CMR_SP_REDUCTION reductions,
size_t  maxNumReductions,
size_t *  pnumReductions,
CMR_SUBMAT **  preducedSubmatrix,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pviolatorSubmatrix,
CMR_SEPA **  pseparation,
double  timeLimit 

Finds all series-parallel reductions for the ternary matrix \( A \).

Let \( A \in \{-1,0,+1\}^{m \times n} \) with \( k \) nonzeros.

Denote by \( A' \) the (maximum) SP-reduced submatrix of \( A \). If premainingSubmatrix is not NULL, then the rows and columns of \( A' \) are stored.

If pviolatorSubmatrix is not NULL and matrix is not ternary series-parallel, then a signed wheel- or \( M_2 \)-submatrix is stored (unless a 2-separation is found; see below). Note that the row/column indices refer to \( A \).

If pseparation is not NULL and during the search for a signed wheel-submatrix a 2-separation that does not correspond to an SP reduction is found then such a 2-separation is returned and the algorithm terminates without returning a signed wheel- or \( M_2 \)-submatrix. Note that *pseparation then contains row/column indices relative to \( A' \).

The running time is \( \mathcal{O} (m + n + k) \) assuming no hashtable collisions.

See also
CMRsubmatZoomSubmat() for turning *pviolatorSubmatrix into a submatrix of the SP-reduced submatrix.
cmrCMR environment.
matrixSparse char matrix.
pisSeriesParallelPointer for storing the result.
reductionsArray for storing the SP-reductions. If not NULL, it must have capacity at least number of rows + number of columns.
maxNumReductionsMaximum number of SP-reductions. Stops when this would be exceeded.
pnumReductionsPointer for storing the number of SP-reductions; stores SIZE_MAX if **< maxNumReductions was exceeded.
preducedSubmatrixPointer for storing the SP-reduced submatrix (may be NULL).
pviolatorSubmatrixPointer for storing a signed wheel- or \( M_2 \)-submatrix (may be NULL).
pseparationPointer for storing a 2-separation (may be NULL).
statsPointer to statistics (may be NULL).
timeLimitTime limit to impose.

◆ CMRspIsColumn()

static bool CMRspIsColumn ( CMR_SP_REDUCTION  reduction)

Returns true if the series-parallel reduction removes a column, i.e., is parallel.

reductionSeries-parallel reduction.

◆ CMRspIsCopy()

static bool CMRspIsCopy ( CMR_SP_REDUCTION  reduction)

Returns true if the series-parallel reduction removes a vector that is a copy of another vector.

reductionSeries-parallel reduction.

◆ CMRspIsRow()

static bool CMRspIsRow ( CMR_SP_REDUCTION  reduction)

Returns true if the series-parallel reduction removes a row, i.e., is series.

reductionSeries-parallel reduction.

◆ CMRspIsUnit()

static bool CMRspIsUnit ( CMR_SP_REDUCTION  reduction)

Returns true if the series-parallel reduction removes a unit vector.

reductionSeries-parallel reduction.

◆ CMRspIsValid()

static bool CMRspIsValid ( CMR_SP_REDUCTION  reduction)

Returns true if the series-parallel reduction is valid.

reductionSeries-parallel reduction.

◆ CMRspIsZero()

static bool CMRspIsZero ( CMR_SP_REDUCTION  reduction)

Returns true if the series-parallel reduction removes a zero vector.

reductionSeries-parallel reduction.

◆ CMRspReductionString()

CMR_EXPORT char * CMRspReductionString ( CMR_SP_REDUCTION  reduction,
char *  buffer 

Prints the series-parallel reduction to buffer.

reductionSeries-parallel reduction.
bufferBuffer to write to. If NULL, a static one is used which will be overwritten in the next call. Otherwise, it must hold at least 51 bytes.

◆ CMRspStatsInit()


Initializes all statistics for series-parallel computations.

statsPointer to statistics.

◆ CMRspStatsPrint()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRspStatsPrint ( FILE *  stream,
const char *  prefix 

Prints statistics for series-parallel computations.

streamFile stream to print to.
statsPointer to statistics.
prefixPrefix string to prepend to each printed line (may be NULL).

◆ CMRspTestBinary()

CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
bool *  pisSeriesParallel,
CMR_SP_REDUCTION reductions,
size_t *  pnumReductions,
CMR_SUBMAT **  preducedSubmatrix,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pviolatorSubmatrix,
double  timeLimit 

Finds all series-parallel reductions for the binary matrix \( A \).

Let \( A \in \{-1,0,1\}^{m \times n} \) with \( k \) nonzeros.

Denote by \( A' \) the (maximum) SP-reduced submatrix of \( A \). If premainingSubmatrix is not NULL, then the rows and columns of \( A' \) are stored.

If pviolatorSubmatrix is not NULL and matrix is not binary series-parallel, then a wheel-submatrix is stored.

The running time is \( \mathcal{O} (m + n + k) \) assuming no hashtable collisions.

cmrCMR environment.
matrixSparse char matrix.
pisSeriesParallelPointer for storing the result.
reductionsArray for storing the SP-reductions. If not NULL, it must have capacity at least number of rows + number of columns.
pnumReductionsPointer for storing the number of SP-reductions.
preducedSubmatrixPointer for storing the SP-reduced submatrix (may be NULL).
pviolatorSubmatrixPointer for storing a wheel-submatrix (may be NULL).
statsPointer to statistics (may be NULL).
timeLimitTime limit to impose.

◆ CMRspTestTernary()

CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
bool *  pisSeriesParallel,
CMR_SP_REDUCTION reductions,
size_t *  pnumReductions,
CMR_SUBMAT **  preducedSubmatrix,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pviolatorSubmatrix,
double  timeLimit 

Finds all series-parallel reductions for the ternary matrix \( A \).

Let \( A \in \{-1,0,+1\}^{m \times n} \) with \( k \) nonzeros.

Denote by \( A' \) the (maximum) SP-reduced submatrix of \( A \). If premainingSubmatrix is not NULL, then the rows and columns of \( A' \) are stored.

If pviolatorSubmatrix is not NULL and matrix is not ternary series-parallel, then a signed wheel- or \( M_2 \)-submatrix is stored.

The running time is \( \mathcal{O} (m + n + k) \) assuming no hashtable collisions.

cmrCMR environment.
matrixSparse char matrix.
pisSeriesParallelPointer for storing the result.
reductionsArray for storing the SP-reductions. If not NULL, it must have capacity at least number of rows + number of columns.
pnumReductionsPointer for storing the number of SP-reductions.
preducedSubmatrixPointer for storing the SP-reduced submatrix (may be NULL).
pviolatorSubmatrixPointer for storing a signed wheel- or \( M_2 \)-submatrix (may be NULL).
statsPointer to statistics (may be NULL).
timeLimitTime limit to impose.