CMR  1.3.0
Classes | Typedefs | Functions
seymour_internal.h File Reference
#include <time.h>
#include "densematrix.h"
#include <cmr/matroid.h>
#include <cmr/seymour.h>
#include <cmr/series_parallel.h>

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struct  DecompositionTask
struct  DecompositionQueue


typedef struct DecompositionTask DecompositionTask
typedef struct DecompositionQueue DecompositionQueue


char * CMRseymourConsistency (CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *node, bool recurse)
 Checks a Seymour decomposition node for consistency. More...
CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRseymourPrintChild (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *child, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *parent, size_t childIndex, FILE *stream, size_t indent, bool printChildren, bool printParentElements, bool printMatrices, bool printGraphs, bool printReductions, bool printPivots)
 Prints the decomposition child to stream. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRseymourAddMinor (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *node, CMR_MINOR *minor)
 Adds a minor to a Seymour decomposition node. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRseymourSetNumChildren (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *node, size_t numChildren)
 Sets the number of children and allocates memory accordingly. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateOneSum (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *node, size_t numChildren)
 Initialize an existing unknown decomposition node as a 1-sum with numChildren children. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRseymourCreateChildFromMatrices (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *parent, size_t childIndex, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_CHRMAT *transpose, CMR_ELEMENT *rowsToParent, CMR_ELEMENT *columnsToParent)
 Creates a decomposition node as a child. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateViolator (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *node, CMR_SUBMAT *violator)
 Initialize an existing unknown decomposition node to be irregular with a violator submatrix. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateSeriesParallel (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *node, CMR_SUBMAT *reducedSubmatrix)
 Updates an existing unknown Seymour decomposition node to be a series-parallel node. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateTwoSum (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *node, CMR_SEPA *separation)
 Initialize an existing unknown decomposition node as a 2-separation node according to the given separation. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdatePivots (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *node, size_t numPivots, size_t *pivotRows, size_t *pivotColumns, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_CHRMAT *transpose)
 Initialize an existing unknown decomposition node as a pivot node according to the given arrays of pivots. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumInit (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *node)
 Initialize an existing unknown decomposition node as a 3-sum node. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumCreateWideFirstChild (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *node, size_t *rowsToChild, size_t *columnsToChild, size_t numChildBaseRows, size_t numChildBaseColumns, size_t extraRow, size_t extraColumn1, size_t extraColumn2, int8_t extraEntry)
 Creates wide first child of an initialized 3-sum node. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumCreateWideSecondChild (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *node, size_t *rowsToChild, size_t *columnsToChild, size_t numChildBaseRows, size_t numChildBaseColumns, size_t extraRow, size_t extraColumn1, size_t extraColumn2, int8_t extraEntry)
 Creates wide second child of an initialized 3-sum node. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumCreateMixedFirstChild (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *node, size_t *rowsToChild, size_t *columnsToChild, size_t numChildBaseRows, size_t numChildBaseColumns, size_t extraRow1, size_t extraRow2, int8_t extraEntry)
 Creates mixed first child of an initialized 3-sum node. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumCreateMixedSecondChild (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *node, size_t *rowsToChild, size_t *columnsToChild, size_t numChildBaseRows, size_t numChildBaseColumns, size_t extraColumn1, size_t extraColumn2, int8_t extraEntry)
 Creates mixed second child of an initialized 3-sum node. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRseymourSetAttributes (CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *node)
 Set regularity and (co)graphicness attributes of a decomposition tree. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityTaskCreateRoot (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *dec, DecompositionTask **ptask, CMR_SEYMOUR_PARAMS *params, CMR_SEYMOUR_STATS *stats, clock_t startClock, double timeLimit)
 Creates a decomposition task for the root of the decomposition. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityTaskFree (CMR *cmr, DecompositionTask **ptask)
 Frees a decomposition task. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityQueueCreate (CMR *cmr, DecompositionQueue **pqueue)
 Initializes a decomposition queue. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityQueueFree (CMR *cmr, DecompositionQueue **pqueue)
 Frees the decomposition queue. More...
bool CMRregularityQueueEmpty (DecompositionQueue *queue)
 Returns whether a queue is empty. More...
DecompositionTaskCMRregularityQueueRemove (DecompositionQueue *queue)
 Removes a task from a decomposition queue. More...
void CMRregularityQueueAdd (DecompositionQueue *queue, DecompositionTask *task)
 Adds a task to a decomposition queue. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityDecomposeThreeSum (CMR *cmr, DecompositionTask *task, DecompositionQueue *queue, CMR_SEPA *separation)
 Applies a 3-sum decomposition. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityNestedMinorSequenceSearchThreeSeparation (CMR *cmr, DecompositionTask *task, DecompositionQueue *queue)
 Searches for 3-separations along the sequence of nested minors and decomposes as a 3-sum. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityNestedMinorSequenceGraphicness (CMR *cmr, DecompositionTask *task, DecompositionQueue *queue)
 Tests each minor of the sequence of nested 3-connected minors for graphicness. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityNestedMinorSequenceCographicness (CMR *cmr, DecompositionTask *task, DecompositionQueue *queue)
 Tests each minor of the sequence of nested 3-connected minors for graphicness. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityExtendNestedMinorSequence (CMR *cmr, DecompositionTask *task, DecompositionQueue *queue)
 Extends an incomplete sequence of nested 3-connected minors for the matrix of a decomposition node. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityTestR10 (CMR *cmr, DecompositionTask *task, DecompositionQueue *queue)
 Tests matrix for representing \( R_{10} \). More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityInitNestedMinorSequence (CMR *cmr, DecompositionTask *task, CMR_SUBMAT *wheelSubmatrix)
 Initializes a sequence of nested minors with one minor, for a given wheelSubmatrix. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityDecomposeSeriesParallel (CMR *cmr, DecompositionTask *task, DecompositionQueue *queue)
 Splits off series-parallel elements from the matrix of the decomposition node. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityTestGraphicness (CMR *cmr, DecompositionTask *task, DecompositionQueue *queue)
 Tests matrix for graphicness/network and stores it in dec. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityTestCographicness (CMR *cmr, DecompositionTask *task, DecompositionQueue *queue)
 Tests matrix for cographicness/conetwork and stores it in dec. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularitySearchOneSum (CMR *cmr, DecompositionTask *task, DecompositionQueue *queue)
 Performs a 1-sum decomposition of matrix and stores it in dec. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRseymourDecompose (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, bool ternary, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE **proot, CMR_SEYMOUR_PARAMS *params, CMR_SEYMOUR_STATS *stats, double timeLimit)
 Tests ternary or binary linear matroid for regularity. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityCompleteDecomposition (CMR *cmr, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE *subtree, CMR_SEYMOUR_PARAMS *params, CMR_SEYMOUR_STATS *stats, double timeLimit)
 Replaces the subtree of a matroid decomposition tree by a new one. More...
CMR_ERROR CMRregularityRefineDecomposition (CMR *cmr, size_t numNodes, CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE **nodes, CMR_SEYMOUR_PARAMS *params, CMR_SEYMOUR_STATS *stats, double timeLimit)
 Replaces the subtrees of several nodes of a matroid decomposition tree by new ones. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ DecompositionQueue

◆ DecompositionTask

Function Documentation

◆ CMRregularityCompleteDecomposition()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityCompleteDecomposition ( CMR cmr,
double  timeLimit 

Replaces the subtree of a matroid decomposition tree by a new one.

cmrCMR environment.
subtreeDecomposition node of the subtree root.
paramsParameters for the computation.
statsStatistics for the computation (may be NULL).
timeLimitTime limit to impose.

◆ CMRregularityDecomposeSeriesParallel()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityDecomposeSeriesParallel ( CMR cmr,
DecompositionTask task,
DecompositionQueue queue 

Splits off series-parallel elements from the matrix of the decomposition node.

In case the matrix is Series-Parallel Matrices, then the node is declared to be planar.

In case the matrix does not admit series-parallel reductions, then the node remains remain unchanged. Otherwise, a child node is created whose matrix is the series-parallel-reduced one. For that child node, a 2-separation may be found, and corresponding children will be created.

cmrCMR environment.
taskTask to be processed; already removed from the list of unprocessed tasks.
queueQueue of unprocessed nodes.

◆ CMRregularityDecomposeThreeSum()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityDecomposeThreeSum ( CMR cmr,
DecompositionTask task,
DecompositionQueue queue,
CMR_SEPA separation 

Applies a 3-sum decomposition.

cmrCMR environment.
taskTask to be processed; already removed from the list of unprocessed tasks.
queueQueue of unprocessed nodes.

◆ CMRregularityExtendNestedMinorSequence()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityExtendNestedMinorSequence ( CMR cmr,
DecompositionTask task,
DecompositionQueue queue 

Extends an incomplete sequence of nested 3-connected minors for the matrix of a decomposition node.

In case the matrix is not 3-connected, a 2-separation is applied to dec and the function terminates, filling the relevant variables of dec.

cmrCMR environment.
taskTask to be processed; already removed from the list of unprocessed tasks.
queueQueue of unprocessed nodes.

◆ CMRregularityInitNestedMinorSequence()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityInitNestedMinorSequence ( CMR cmr,
DecompositionTask task,
CMR_SUBMAT wheelSubmatrix 

Initializes a sequence of nested minors with one minor, for a given wheelSubmatrix.

cmrCMR environment.
taskTask to be processed; already removed from the list of unprocessed tasks.
wheelSubmatrixWheel submatrix of task->dec.

◆ CMRregularityNestedMinorSequenceCographicness()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityNestedMinorSequenceCographicness ( CMR cmr,
DecompositionTask task,
DecompositionQueue queue 

Tests each minor of the sequence of nested 3-connected minors for graphicness.

Sets task->dec->CMRregularityNestedMinorSequenceCographicness accordingly.

cmrCMR environment.
taskTask to be processed; already removed from the list of unprocessed tasks.
queueQueue of unprocessed nodes.

◆ CMRregularityNestedMinorSequenceGraphicness()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityNestedMinorSequenceGraphicness ( CMR cmr,
DecompositionTask task,
DecompositionQueue queue 

Tests each minor of the sequence of nested 3-connected minors for graphicness.

Sets task->dec->CMRregularityNestedMinorSequenceGraphicness accordingly.

cmrCMR environment.
taskTask to be processed; already removed from the list of unprocessed tasks.
queueQueue of unprocessed nodes.

◆ CMRregularityNestedMinorSequenceSearchThreeSeparation()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityNestedMinorSequenceSearchThreeSeparation ( CMR cmr,
DecompositionTask task,
DecompositionQueue queue 

Searches for 3-separations along the sequence of nested minors and decomposes as a 3-sum.

cmrCMR environment.
taskTask to be processed; already removed from the list of unprocessed tasks.
queueQueue of unprocessed nodes.

◆ CMRregularityQueueAdd()

void CMRregularityQueueAdd ( DecompositionQueue queue,
DecompositionTask task 

Adds a task to a decomposition queue.


◆ CMRregularityQueueCreate()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityQueueCreate ( CMR cmr,
DecompositionQueue **  pqueue 

Initializes a decomposition queue.

cmrCMR environment.
pqueuePointer for storing the queue.

◆ CMRregularityQueueEmpty()

bool CMRregularityQueueEmpty ( DecompositionQueue queue)

Returns whether a queue is empty.


◆ CMRregularityQueueFree()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityQueueFree ( CMR cmr,
DecompositionQueue **  pqueue 

Frees the decomposition queue.

cmrCMR environment.
pqueuePointer to queue.

◆ CMRregularityQueueRemove()

DecompositionTask* CMRregularityQueueRemove ( DecompositionQueue queue)

Removes a task from a decomposition queue.


◆ CMRregularityRefineDecomposition()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityRefineDecomposition ( CMR cmr,
size_t  numNodes,
double  timeLimit 

Replaces the subtrees of several nodes of a matroid decomposition tree by new ones.

cmrCMR environment.
numNodesNumber of nodes to refine.
nodesArray of decomposition nodes to refine.
paramsParameters for the computation.
statsStatistics for the computation (may be NULL).
timeLimitTime limit to impose.

◆ CMRregularitySearchOneSum()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularitySearchOneSum ( CMR cmr,
DecompositionTask task,
DecompositionQueue queue 

Performs a 1-sum decomposition of matrix and stores it in dec.

If matrix is 1-connected, then dec remains unchanged. Otherwise, dec will become a CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE_TYPE_ONE_SUM node with children that are initialized to the 1-connected components. In this case, the matrix and transpose members of the child nodes are set.

cmrCMR environment.
taskTask to be processed; already removed from the list of unprocessed tasks.
queueQueue of unprocessed nodes.

◆ CMRregularityTaskCreateRoot()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityTaskCreateRoot ( CMR cmr,
DecompositionTask **  ptask,
clock_t  startClock,
double  timeLimit 

Creates a decomposition task for the root of the decomposition.

cmrCMR environment.
decDecomposition node.
ptaskPointer for storing the new task.
paramsParameters for the computation.
statsStatistics for the computation (may be NULL).
startClockClock for the start time.
timeLimitTime limit to impose.

◆ CMRregularityTaskFree()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityTaskFree ( CMR cmr,
DecompositionTask **  ptask 

Frees a decomposition task.

cmrCMR environment.
ptaskPointer to task.

◆ CMRregularityTestCographicness()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityTestCographicness ( CMR cmr,
DecompositionTask task,
DecompositionQueue queue 

Tests matrix for cographicness/conetwork and stores it in dec.

cmrCMR environment.
taskTask to be processed; already removed from the list of unprocessed tasks.
queueQueue of unprocessed nodes.

◆ CMRregularityTestGraphicness()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityTestGraphicness ( CMR cmr,
DecompositionTask task,
DecompositionQueue queue 

Tests matrix for graphicness/network and stores it in dec.

cmrCMR environment.
taskTask to be processed; already removed from the list of unprocessed tasks.
queueQueue of unprocessed nodes.

◆ CMRregularityTestR10()

CMR_ERROR CMRregularityTestR10 ( CMR cmr,
DecompositionTask task,
DecompositionQueue queue 

Tests matrix for representing \( R_{10} \).

cmrCMR environment.
taskTask to be processed; already removed from the list of unprocessed tasks.
queueQueue of unprocessed nodes.

◆ CMRseymourAddMinor()

CMR_ERROR CMRseymourAddMinor ( CMR cmr,
CMR_MINOR minor 

Adds a minor to a Seymour decomposition node.

Does not copy the minor.

cmrCMR environment.
nodeSeymour decomposition node.
minorMinor to be added.

◆ CMRseymourConsistency()

char* CMRseymourConsistency ( CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE node,
bool  recurse 

Checks a Seymour decomposition node for consistency.

Checks all requirements defined in Representation of Matroids.

NULL if consistent. Otherwise, an explanation string is returned, which must freed with free().
See also
CMRdbgConsistencyAssert() for checking the returned string and aborting in case of inconsistency.
nodeSeymour decomposition node.
recurseWhether all (grand-)children shall be checked, too.

◆ CMRseymourCreateChildFromMatrices()

CMR_ERROR CMRseymourCreateChildFromMatrices ( CMR cmr,
size_t  childIndex,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_CHRMAT transpose,
CMR_ELEMENT rowsToParent,
CMR_ELEMENT columnsToParent 

Creates a decomposition node as a child.

Copies matrix and transpose into the node.

cmrCMR environment.
parentSeymour decomposition parent node.
childIndexChild index of parent.
matrixThe matrix corresponding to this node.
transposeThe transpose matrix corresponding to this node.
rowsToParentArray for mapping rows to elements of parent.
columnsToParentArray for mapping columns to elements of parent.

◆ CMRseymourDecompose()

CMR_ERROR CMRseymourDecompose ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
bool  ternary,
double  timeLimit 

Tests ternary or binary linear matroid for regularity.

If pdec is not NULL, *pdec will be a (partial) decomposition tree.

If pminor is not NULL and matrix is not regular, then an \( F_7 \) or \( F_7^\star \) minor or a submatrix with non-ternary determinant is searched. This causes additional computational effort!

cmrCMR environment.
matrixInput matrix.
ternaryWhether the matrix shall be considered ternary.
prootPointer for storing the root of the Seymour decomposition.
paramsParameters for the computation.
statsStatistics for the computation (may be NULL).
timeLimitTime limit to impose.

◆ CMRseymourPrintChild()

CMR_EXPORT CMR_ERROR CMRseymourPrintChild ( CMR cmr,
size_t  childIndex,
FILE *  stream,
size_t  indent,
bool  printChildren,
bool  printParentElements,
bool  printMatrices,
bool  printGraphs,
bool  printReductions,
bool  printPivots 

Prints the decomposition child to stream.

cmrCMR environment.
childSeymour decomposition child node.
parentSeymour decomposition parent node.
childIndexIndex of child as a child of parent.
streamStream to write to.
indentIndentation of this node.
printChildrenWhether to recurse.
printParentElementsWhether to print mapping of rows/columns to parent elements (if parent is not NULL).
printMatricesWhether to print matrices.
printGraphsWhether to print graphs.
printReductionsWhether to print series-parallel reductions.
printPivotsWhether to print pivots.

◆ CMRseymourSetAttributes()

CMR_ERROR CMRseymourSetAttributes ( CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE node)

Set regularity and (co)graphicness attributes of a decomposition tree.

nodeSeymour decomposition node.

◆ CMRseymourSetNumChildren()

CMR_ERROR CMRseymourSetNumChildren ( CMR cmr,
size_t  numChildren 

Sets the number of children and allocates memory accordingly.

cmrCMR environment.
nodeSeymour decomposition node.
numChildrenNumber of children.

◆ CMRseymourUpdateOneSum()

CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateOneSum ( CMR cmr,
size_t  numChildren 

Initialize an existing unknown decomposition node as a 1-sum with numChildren children.

cmrCMR environment.
nodeSeymour decomposition node.
numChildrenNumber of child nodes.

◆ CMRseymourUpdatePivots()

CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdatePivots ( CMR cmr,
size_t  numPivots,
size_t *  pivotRows,
size_t *  pivotColumns,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_CHRMAT transpose 

Initialize an existing unknown decomposition node as a pivot node according to the given arrays of pivots.

The unique child node will be of type CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN.

cmrCMR environment.
nodeSeymour decomposition node.
numPivotsNumber of pivots.
pivotRowsArray with pivot rows.
pivotColumnsArray with pivot columns.
matrixNew matrix.
transposeTranspose of matrix.

◆ CMRseymourUpdateSeriesParallel()

CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateSeriesParallel ( CMR cmr,
CMR_SUBMAT reducedSubmatrix 

Updates an existing unknown Seymour decomposition node to be a series-parallel node.

cmrCMR environment.
nodeSeymour decomposition node.
reducedSubmatrixSP-reduced submatrix.

◆ CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumCreateMixedFirstChild()

CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumCreateMixedFirstChild ( CMR cmr,
size_t *  rowsToChild,
size_t *  columnsToChild,
size_t  numChildBaseRows,
size_t  numChildBaseColumns,
size_t  extraRow1,
size_t  extraRow2,
int8_t  extraEntry 

Creates mixed first child of an initialized 3-sum node.

A nonzero extraEntry indicates the bottom-right nonzero entry.

cmrCMR environment.
nodeSeymour decomposition node (initialized with CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumInit).
rowsToChildArray mapping rows to child rows.
columnsToChildArray mapping columns to child columns.
numChildBaseRowsNumber of base rows of this child.
numChildBaseColumnsNumber of base rows of this child.
extraRow1Index of the first extra row.
extraRow2Index of the second extra row.
extraEntrySign of the extra entry.

◆ CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumCreateMixedSecondChild()

CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumCreateMixedSecondChild ( CMR cmr,
size_t *  rowsToChild,
size_t *  columnsToChild,
size_t  numChildBaseRows,
size_t  numChildBaseColumns,
size_t  extraColumn1,
size_t  extraColumn2,
int8_t  extraEntry 

Creates mixed second child of an initialized 3-sum node.

A nonzero extraEntry indicates the top-left nonzero entry.

cmrCMR environment.
nodeSeymour decomposition node (initialized with CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumInit).
rowsToChildArray mapping rows to child rows.
columnsToChildArray mapping columns to child columns.
numChildBaseRowsNumber of base rows of this child.
numChildBaseColumnsNumber of base rows of this child.
extraColumn1Index of the first extra column.
extraColumn2Index of the second extra column.
extraEntrySign of the extra entry.

◆ CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumCreateWideFirstChild()

CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumCreateWideFirstChild ( CMR cmr,
size_t *  rowsToChild,
size_t *  columnsToChild,
size_t  numChildBaseRows,
size_t  numChildBaseColumns,
size_t  extraRow,
size_t  extraColumn1,
size_t  extraColumn2,
int8_t  extraEntry 

Creates wide first child of an initialized 3-sum node.

A nonzero extraEntry indicates the bottom-right nonzero entry.

cmrCMR environment.
nodeSeymour decomposition node (initialized with CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumInit).
rowsToChildArray mapping rows to child rows.
columnsToChildArray mapping columns to child columns.
numChildBaseRowsNumber of base rows of this child.
numChildBaseColumnsNumber of base rows of this child.
extraRowIndex of the extra row.
extraColumn1Index of 1st extra column.
extraColumn2Index of 2nd extra column, parallel to extraColumn1; equality is allowed.
extraEntrySign of the extra entry.

◆ CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumCreateWideSecondChild()

CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumCreateWideSecondChild ( CMR cmr,
size_t *  rowsToChild,
size_t *  columnsToChild,
size_t  numChildBaseRows,
size_t  numChildBaseColumns,
size_t  extraRow,
size_t  extraColumn1,
size_t  extraColumn2,
int8_t  extraEntry 

Creates wide second child of an initialized 3-sum node.

A nonzero extraEntry indicates the bottom-right nonzero entry.

cmrCMR environment.
nodeSeymour decomposition node (initialized with CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumInit).
rowsToChildArray mapping rows to child rows.
columnsToChildArray mapping columns to child columns.
numChildBaseRowsNumber of base rows of this child.
numChildBaseColumnsNumber of base rows of this child.
extraRowIndex of the extra row.
extraColumn1Index of 1st extra column.
extraColumn2Index of 2nd extra column, parallel to extraColumn1; equality is allowed.
extraEntrySign of the extra entry, if known.

◆ CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumInit()

CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateThreeSumInit ( CMR cmr,

Initialize an existing unknown decomposition node as a 3-sum node.

The two child nodes remain uninitialized.

cmrCMR environment.
nodeSeymour decomposition node.

◆ CMRseymourUpdateTwoSum()

CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateTwoSum ( CMR cmr,
CMR_SEPA separation 

Initialize an existing unknown decomposition node as a 2-separation node according to the given separation.

The two child nodes will be of type CMR_SEYMOUR_NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN.

cmrCMR environment.
nodeSeymour decomposition node.

◆ CMRseymourUpdateViolator()

CMR_ERROR CMRseymourUpdateViolator ( CMR cmr,
CMR_SUBMAT violator 

Initialize an existing unknown decomposition node to be irregular with a violator submatrix.

cmrCMR environment.
nodeSeymour decomposition node.
violatorSubmatrix. Is not copied.