CMR  1.3.0
No Matches
Binary Regular Matrices

A matrix \( M \in \{0,1\}^{m \times n} \) is regular if the binary matroid represented by \( M \) is representable over every field. This is equivalent to requiring that the matroid is equal to the ternary matroid represented by the Camion-signed version \( M' \) of \( M \), and thus equivalent to total unimodularity of \( M' \).

Recognizing Binary Regular Matrices

The command

cmr-regular IN-MAT [OPTION...]

determines whether the matrix given in file IN-MAT is regular.


  • -i FORMAT Format of file IN-MAT; default: dense.
  • -D OUT-DEC Write a decomposition tree of the regular matroid to file OUT-DEC; default: skip computation.
  • -N NON-MINOR Write a minimal non-regular submatrix to file NON-SUB; default: skip computation.

Advanced options:

  • --stats Print statistics about the computation to stderr.
  • --time-limit LIMIT Allow at most LIMIT seconds for the computation.
  • --decompose STRATEGY Strategy for decomposing among {DP, YP, P3, D3, Y3}; default: D3.
  • --no-direct-graphic Check only 3-connected matrices for regularity.
  • --no-series-parallel Do not allow series-parallel operations in decomposition tree.

Decomposition strategies: 1st letter for distributed, 2nd for concentrated rank(s).

  • D Delta-sum (distributed ranks)
  • Y Y-sum (distributed ranks)
  • 3 3-sum (concentrated rank)
  • P pivot (changes rank type) Note that D3 and Y3 do not produce pivots.

Formats for matrices: dense, sparse

If IN-MAT is - then the matrix is read from stdin.

If OUT-DEC or NON-SUB is - then the decomposition tree (resp. the submatrix) is written to stdout.


The implemented recognition algorithm is based on Implementation of a unimodularity test by Matthias Walter and Klaus Truemper (Mathematical Programming Computation, 2013). It is based on Seymour's decomposition theorem for regular matroids. The algorithm runs in \( \mathcal{O}( (m+n)^5 ) \) time and is a simplified version of Truemper's cubic algorithm. Please cite the following paper in case the implementation contributed to your research:

  author    = {Walter, Matthias and Truemper, Klaus},
  title     = {Implementation of a unimodularity test},
  journal   = {Mathematical Programming Computation},
  year      = {2013},
  volume    = {5},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {57--73},
  issn      = {1867-2949},
  doi       = {10.1007/s12532-012-0048-x},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},

C Interface

The corresponding function in the library is

and is defined in regular.h.