Let \( D = (V,A) \) be a digraph and let \( T \) be an (arbitrarily) directed spanning forest of the underlying undirected graph. The matrix \( M(D,T) \in \{-1,0,1\}^{T \times (A \setminus T)} \) defined via
\[ M(D,T)_{a,(v,w)} := \begin{cases} +1 & \text{if the unique $v$-$w$-path in $T$ passes through $a$ forwardly}, \\ -1 & \text{if the unique $v$-$w$-path in $T$ passes through $a$ backwardly}, \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]
is called the network matrix of \( D \) with respect to \( T \). A matrix \( M \) is called network matrix if there exists a digraph \( D \) with a directed spanning forest \( T \) such that \( M = M(D,T) \). Moreover, \( M \) is called conetwork matrix if \( M^{\textsf{T}} \) is a network matrix.
The command
cmr-network IN-MAT [OPTION]...
determines whether the matrix given in file IN-MAT
is (co)network.
Format of file IN-MAT
; default: dense.-t
Test for being conetwork; default: test for being network.-G OUT-GRAPH
Write a digraph to file OUT-GRAPH
; default: skip computation.-T OUT-TREE
Write a directed spanning tree to file OUT-TREE
; default: skip computation.-D OUT-DOT
Write a dot file OUT-DOT
with the digraph and the directed spanning tree; default: skip computation.-N NON-SUB
Write a minimal non-(co)network submatrix to file NON-SUB
; default: skip computation.Advanced options:
Print statistics about the computation to stderr.--time-limit LIMIT
Allow at most LIMIT
seconds for the computation.Formats for matrices: dense, sparse If IN-MAT
is -
then the matrix is read from stdin. If OUT-GRAPH
is -
then the graph (resp. the tree, dot file or non-(co)network submatrix) is written to stdout.
The implemented recognition algorithm first tests the support matrix of \( M \) for being (co)graphic and uses Camion's Signing Algorithm for testing whether \( M \) is signed correctly.
The corresponding functions in the library are
and are defined in network.h.
The command
cmr-network -c IN-GRAPH OUT-MAT [OPTION]...
computes a (co)network matrix corresponding to the digraph from file IN-GRAPH
and writes it to OUT-MAT
Format of file OUT-MAT
; default: dense.-t
Return the transpose of the network matrix.-T IN-TREE
Read a directed tree from file IN-TREE
; default: use first specified arcs as tree edges.Advanced options:
Print statistics about the computation to stderr.--time-limit LIMIT
Allow at most LIMIT
seconds for the computation.Formats for matrices: dense, sparse If IN-GRAPH
is -
then the digraph (resp. directed tree) is read from stdin. If OUT-MAT
is -
then the matrix is written to stdout.
The corresponding function in the library is
and is defined in network.h.