CMR  1.3.0
No Matches
Classes | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
series_parallel.c File Reference
#include <cmr/series_parallel.h>
#include "env_internal.h"
#include "hashtable.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "listmatrix.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>


struct  ElementData
 Element specific data for the enumeration of 3-separations. More...


enum  ElementType { REMOVED = 0 , ZERO = 1 , BLOCK = 2 , OTHER = 3 }


 Initializes all statistics for series-parallel computations.
CMR_ERROR CMRspStatsPrint (FILE *stream, CMR_SP_STATISTICS *stats, const char *prefix)
 Prints statistics for series-parallel computations.
char * CMRspReductionString (CMR_SP_REDUCTION reduction, char *buffer)
static void unlinkNonzero (ListMat8Nonzero *nonzero)
 Removes the given nonzero from the linked-list representation.
static CMR_ERROR createElementData (CMR *cmr, ElementData **pelementData, size_t size)
 Allocates and initializes element data (on the stack).
static CMR_ERROR createHashVector (CMR *cmr, long long **phashVector, size_t size)
static CMR_ERROR calcNonzeroCountHashFromMatrix (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, ListMat8 *listmatrix, ElementData *rowData, ElementData *columnData, long long *hashVector)
 Scan the matrix to compute the number of nonzeros and the hash of each row and each column.
static CMR_ERROR calcBinaryHashFromListMatrix (CMR *cmr, ListMat8 *listmatrix, ElementData *rowData, ElementData *columnData, long long *hashVector)
 Scan the matrix to compute the number of nonzeros and the hash of each row and each column.
static CMR_ERROR initializeQueueHashtableFromMatrix (CMR *cmr, CMR_LISTHASHTABLE *hashtable, ListMat8Element *listmatrixElements, ElementData *data, size_t sizeData, CMR_ELEMENT *queue, size_t *pqueueEnd, bool isRow)
 Scans the matrix initially in order to add all rows or columns either to the queue or to the hashtable.
static CMR_ERROR initializeQueueHashtableFromListMatrix (CMR *cmr, CMR_LISTHASHTABLE *hashtable, ListMat8 *listmatrix, ElementData *data, CMR_ELEMENT *queue, size_t *pqueueEnd, bool isRow)
 Adds all rows or columns of the list representation of the matrix either to the queue or to the hashtable.
static size_t findCopy (ListMat8Element *listData, ElementData *data, CMR_LISTHASHTABLE *hashtable, size_t index, bool isRow, bool support)
 Checks whether the row/column at index is a (negated) copy of a row/column stored in the hashtable.
static CMR_ERROR processNonzero (CMR *cmr, CMR_LISTHASHTABLE *hashtable, long long hashChange, size_t index, ListMat8Element *indexListData, ElementData *indexData, CMR_ELEMENT *queue, size_t *pqueueEnd, size_t queueMemory, bool isRow)
 Processes the deletion of a nonzero from the linked-list representation.
static CMR_ERROR reduceListMatrix (CMR *cmr, ListMat8 *listmatrix, ElementData *rowData, ElementData *columnData, CMR_LISTHASHTABLE *rowHashtable, CMR_LISTHASHTABLE *columnHashtable, long long *entryToHash, CMR_ELEMENT *queue, size_t *pqueueStart, size_t *pqueueEnd, size_t queueMemory, CMR_SP_REDUCTION *reductions, size_t maxNumReductions, size_t *pnumReductions, size_t *pnumRowReductions, size_t *pnumColumnReductions)
 Carry out the actual reduction algorithm after all data structures are initialized.
static CMR_ERROR extractNonbinarySubmatrix (CMR *cmr, ListMat8 *listmatrix, ElementData *rowData, ElementData *columnData, CMR_LISTHASHTABLE *rowHashtable, CMR_LISTHASHTABLE *columnHashtable, CMR_ELEMENT *queue, size_t *pqueueStart, size_t *pqueueEnd, size_t queueMemory, CMR_SUBMAT **pviolatorSubmatrix)
 Try to find an \( M_2 \)-submatrix for a ternary SP-reduced matrix in list representation.
static CMR_ERROR breadthFirstSearch (CMR *cmr, int currentBFS, ListMat8Element *rowListData, ListMat8Element *columnListData, ElementData *rowData, ElementData *columnData, CMR_ELEMENT *queue, size_t queueMemory, CMR_ELEMENT *sources, size_t numSources, CMR_ELEMENT *targets, size_t numTargets, size_t *pfoundTarget, size_t *pnumEdges)
static CMR_ERROR extractRemainingSubmatrix (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, size_t numRowReductions, size_t numColumnReductions, ListMat8 *listmatrix, CMR_SUBMAT **preducedSubmatrix)
 Extract remaining submatrix.
static CMR_ERROR createFullRemainingMatrix (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_SUBMAT **preducedSubmatrix)
 Create full matrix as remaining submatrix.
static CMR_ERROR extractWheelSubmatrix (CMR *cmr, ListMat8 *listmatrix, ElementData *rowData, ElementData *columnData, CMR_ELEMENT *queue, size_t queueMemory, size_t numReducedRows, size_t numReducedColumns, CMR_SUBMAT **pwheelSubmatrix, CMR_SEPA **pseparation)
 Searches for a wheel-submatrix; may also encounter and return a 2-separation.
static CMR_ERROR decomposeBinarySeriesParallel (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_SP_REDUCTION *reductions, size_t maxNumReductions, size_t *pnumReductions, CMR_SUBMAT **preducedSubmatrix, CMR_SUBMAT **pviolatorSubmatrix, CMR_SEPA **pseparation, CMR_SP_STATISTICS *stats, double timeLimit)
CMR_ERROR CMRspTestBinary (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, bool *pisSeriesParallel, CMR_SP_REDUCTION *reductions, size_t *pnumReductions, CMR_SUBMAT **preducedSubmatrix, CMR_SUBMAT **pviolatorSubmatrix, CMR_SP_STATISTICS *stats, double timeLimit)
 Finds all series-parallel reductions for the binary matrix \( A \).
CMR_ERROR CMRspDecomposeBinary (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, bool *pisSeriesParallel, CMR_SP_REDUCTION *reductions, size_t maxNumReductions, size_t *pnumReductions, CMR_SUBMAT **preducedSubmatrix, CMR_SUBMAT **pviolatorSubmatrix, CMR_SEPA **pseparation, CMR_SP_STATISTICS *stats, double timeLimit)
 Finds all series-parallel reductions for the binary matrix \( A \).
static CMR_ERROR decomposeTernarySeriesParallel (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, CMR_SP_REDUCTION *reductions, size_t maxNumReductions, size_t *pnumReductions, CMR_SUBMAT **preducedSubmatrix, CMR_SUBMAT **pviolatorSubmatrix, CMR_SEPA **pseparation, CMR_SP_STATISTICS *stats, double timeLimit)
CMR_ERROR CMRspTestTernary (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, bool *pisSeriesParallel, CMR_SP_REDUCTION *reductions, size_t *pnumReductions, CMR_SUBMAT **preducedSubmatrix, CMR_SUBMAT **pviolatorSubmatrix, CMR_SP_STATISTICS *stats, double timeLimit)
 Finds all series-parallel reductions for the ternary matrix \( A \).
CMR_ERROR CMRspDecomposeTernary (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, bool *pisSeriesParallel, CMR_SP_REDUCTION *reductions, size_t maxNumReductions, size_t *pnumReductions, CMR_SUBMAT **preducedSubmatrix, CMR_SUBMAT **pviolatorSubmatrix, CMR_SEPA **pseparation, CMR_SP_STATISTICS *stats, double timeLimit)
 Finds all series-parallel reductions for the ternary matrix \( A \).


static char seriesParallelStringBuffer [32]

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ElementType


Function Documentation

◆ breadthFirstSearch()

static CMR_ERROR breadthFirstSearch ( CMR cmr,
int  currentBFS,
ListMat8Element rowListData,
ListMat8Element columnListData,
ElementData rowData,
ElementData columnData,
size_t  queueMemory,
CMR_ELEMENT sources,
size_t  numSources,
CMR_ELEMENT targets,
size_t  numTargets,
size_t *  pfoundTarget,
size_t *  pnumEdges 
cmrCMR environment.
currentBFSNumber of this execution of breadth-first search.
rowListDataRow data.
columnListDataColumn data.
rowDataRow data.
columnDataColumn data.
queueMemoryMemory for queue.
sourcesArray of source nodes.
numSourcesNumber of source nodes.
targetsArray of target nodes.
numTargetsNumber of target nodes.
pfoundTargetPointer for storing the index of the target node found.
pnumEdgesPointer for storing the number of traversed edges.

◆ calcBinaryHashFromListMatrix()

static CMR_ERROR calcBinaryHashFromListMatrix ( CMR cmr,
ListMat8 listmatrix,
ElementData rowData,
ElementData columnData,
long long *  hashVector 

Scan the matrix to compute the number of nonzeros and the hash of each row and each column.

cmrCMR environment.
listmatrixList matrix.
rowDataOther row element data.
columnDataOther column element data.
hashVectorHash vector.

◆ calcNonzeroCountHashFromMatrix()

static CMR_ERROR calcNonzeroCountHashFromMatrix ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
ListMat8 listmatrix,
ElementData rowData,
ElementData columnData,
long long *  hashVector 

Scan the matrix to compute the number of nonzeros and the hash of each row and each column.

cmrCMR environment.
listmatrixList matrix representation.
rowDataOther row element data.
columnDataOther column element data.
hashVectorHash vector.

◆ CMRspDecomposeBinary()

CMR_ERROR CMRspDecomposeBinary ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
bool *  pisSeriesParallel,
CMR_SP_REDUCTION reductions,
size_t  maxNumReductions,
size_t *  pnumReductions,
CMR_SUBMAT **  preducedSubmatrix,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pviolatorSubmatrix,
CMR_SEPA **  pseparation,
double  timeLimit 

Finds all series-parallel reductions for the binary matrix \( A \).

Let \( A \in \{0,1\}^{m \times n} \) with \( k \) nonzeros.

Denote by \( A' \) the (maximum) SP-reduced submatrix of \( A \). If premainingSubmatrix is not NULL, then the rows and columns of \( A' \) are stored.

If pviolatorSubmatrix is not NULL and matrix is not binary series-parallel, then a wheel-submatrix is stored (unless a 2-separation is found; see below). Note that the row/column indices refer to \( A \).

If pseparation is not NULL and during the search for a wheel-submatrix a 2-separation that does not correspond to an SP reduction is found then such a 2-separation is returned and the algorithm terminates without returning a wheel-submatrix. Note that *pseparation then contains row/column indices relative to \( A' \).

The running time is \( \mathcal{O} (m + n + k) \) assuming no hashtable collisions.

cmrCMR environment.
matrixSparse char matrix.
pisSeriesParallelPointer for storing the result.
reductionsArray for storing the SP-reductions. If not NULL, it must have capacity at least number of rows + number of columns.
maxNumReductionsMaximum number of SP-reductions. Stops when this would be exceeded.
pnumReductionsPointer for storing the number of SP-reductions; stores SIZE_MAX if **< maxNumReductions was exceeded.
preducedSubmatrixPointer for storing the SP-reduced submatrix (may be NULL).
pviolatorSubmatrixPointer for storing a wheel-submatrix (may be NULL).
pseparationPointer for storing a 2-separation (may be NULL).
statsPointer to statistics (may be NULL).
timeLimitTime limit to impose.

◆ CMRspDecomposeTernary()

CMR_ERROR CMRspDecomposeTernary ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
bool *  pisSeriesParallel,
CMR_SP_REDUCTION reductions,
size_t  maxNumReductions,
size_t *  pnumReductions,
CMR_SUBMAT **  preducedSubmatrix,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pviolatorSubmatrix,
CMR_SEPA **  pseparation,
double  timeLimit 

Finds all series-parallel reductions for the ternary matrix \( A \).

Let \( A \in \{-1,0,+1\}^{m \times n} \) with \( k \) nonzeros.

Denote by \( A' \) the (maximum) SP-reduced submatrix of \( A \). If premainingSubmatrix is not NULL, then the rows and columns of \( A' \) are stored.

If pviolatorSubmatrix is not NULL and matrix is not ternary series-parallel, then a signed wheel- or \( M_2 \)-submatrix is stored (unless a 2-separation is found; see below). Note that the row/column indices refer to \( A \).

If pseparation is not NULL and during the search for a signed wheel-submatrix a 2-separation that does not correspond to an SP reduction is found then such a 2-separation is returned and the algorithm terminates without returning a signed wheel- or \( M_2 \)-submatrix. Note that *pseparation then contains row/column indices relative to \( A' \).

The running time is \( \mathcal{O} (m + n + k) \) assuming no hashtable collisions.

See also
CMRsubmatZoomSubmat() for turning *pviolatorSubmatrix into a submatrix of the SP-reduced submatrix.
cmrCMR environment.
matrixSparse char matrix.
pisSeriesParallelPointer for storing the result.
reductionsArray for storing the SP-reductions. If not NULL, it must have capacity at least number of rows + number of columns.
maxNumReductionsMaximum number of SP-reductions. Stops when this would be exceeded.
pnumReductionsPointer for storing the number of SP-reductions; stores SIZE_MAX if **< maxNumReductions was exceeded.
preducedSubmatrixPointer for storing the SP-reduced submatrix (may be NULL).
pviolatorSubmatrixPointer for storing a signed wheel- or \( M_2 \)-submatrix (may be NULL).
pseparationPointer for storing a 2-separation (may be NULL).
statsPointer to statistics (may be NULL).
timeLimitTime limit to impose.

◆ CMRspReductionString()

char * CMRspReductionString ( CMR_SP_REDUCTION  reduction,
char *  buffer 

Prints the series-parallel reduction to buffer.

reductionSeries-parallel reduction.
bufferBuffer to write to. If NULL, a static one is used which will be overwritten in the next call. Otherwise, it must hold at least 51 bytes.

◆ CMRspStatsInit()


Initializes all statistics for series-parallel computations.

statsPointer to statistics.

◆ CMRspStatsPrint()

CMR_ERROR CMRspStatsPrint ( FILE *  stream,
const char *  prefix 

Prints statistics for series-parallel computations.

streamFile stream to print to.
statsPointer to statistics.
prefixPrefix string to prepend to each printed line (may be NULL).

◆ CMRspTestBinary()

CMR_ERROR CMRspTestBinary ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
bool *  pisSeriesParallel,
CMR_SP_REDUCTION reductions,
size_t *  pnumReductions,
CMR_SUBMAT **  preducedSubmatrix,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pviolatorSubmatrix,
double  timeLimit 

Finds all series-parallel reductions for the binary matrix \( A \).

Let \( A \in \{-1,0,1\}^{m \times n} \) with \( k \) nonzeros.

Denote by \( A' \) the (maximum) SP-reduced submatrix of \( A \). If premainingSubmatrix is not NULL, then the rows and columns of \( A' \) are stored.

If pviolatorSubmatrix is not NULL and matrix is not binary series-parallel, then a wheel-submatrix is stored.

The running time is \( \mathcal{O} (m + n + k) \) assuming no hashtable collisions.

cmrCMR environment.
matrixSparse char matrix.
pisSeriesParallelPointer for storing the result.
reductionsArray for storing the SP-reductions. If not NULL, it must have capacity at least number of rows + number of columns.
pnumReductionsPointer for storing the number of SP-reductions.
preducedSubmatrixPointer for storing the SP-reduced submatrix (may be NULL).
pviolatorSubmatrixPointer for storing a wheel-submatrix (may be NULL).
statsPointer to statistics (may be NULL).
timeLimitTime limit to impose.

◆ CMRspTestTernary()

CMR_ERROR CMRspTestTernary ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
bool *  pisSeriesParallel,
CMR_SP_REDUCTION reductions,
size_t *  pnumReductions,
CMR_SUBMAT **  preducedSubmatrix,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pviolatorSubmatrix,
double  timeLimit 

Finds all series-parallel reductions for the ternary matrix \( A \).

Let \( A \in \{-1,0,+1\}^{m \times n} \) with \( k \) nonzeros.

Denote by \( A' \) the (maximum) SP-reduced submatrix of \( A \). If premainingSubmatrix is not NULL, then the rows and columns of \( A' \) are stored.

If pviolatorSubmatrix is not NULL and matrix is not ternary series-parallel, then a signed wheel- or \( M_2 \)-submatrix is stored.

The running time is \( \mathcal{O} (m + n + k) \) assuming no hashtable collisions.

cmrCMR environment.
matrixSparse char matrix.
pisSeriesParallelPointer for storing the result.
reductionsArray for storing the SP-reductions. If not NULL, it must have capacity at least number of rows + number of columns.
pnumReductionsPointer for storing the number of SP-reductions.
preducedSubmatrixPointer for storing the SP-reduced submatrix (may be NULL).
pviolatorSubmatrixPointer for storing a signed wheel- or \( M_2 \)-submatrix (may be NULL).
statsPointer to statistics (may be NULL).
timeLimitTime limit to impose.

◆ createElementData()

static CMR_ERROR createElementData ( CMR cmr,
ElementData **  pelementData,
size_t  size 

Allocates and initializes element data (on the stack).

cmrCMR environment.
pelementDataPointer for storing the element data.
sizeNumber of elements.

◆ createFullRemainingMatrix()

static CMR_ERROR createFullRemainingMatrix ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_SUBMAT **  preducedSubmatrix 

Create full matrix as remaining submatrix.

cmrCMR environment.
preducedSubmatrixPointer for storing the reduced submatrix.

◆ createHashVector()

static CMR_ERROR createHashVector ( CMR cmr,
long long **  phashVector,
size_t  size 
cmrCMR environment.
phashVectorPointer for storing the hash vector.
sizeSize of hash vector.

◆ decomposeBinarySeriesParallel()

static CMR_ERROR decomposeBinarySeriesParallel ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_SP_REDUCTION reductions,
size_t  maxNumReductions,
size_t *  pnumReductions,
CMR_SUBMAT **  preducedSubmatrix,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pviolatorSubmatrix,
CMR_SEPA **  pseparation,
double  timeLimit 
cmrCMR environment.
matrixSparse char matrix.
reductionsArray for storing the SP-reductions. Must have capacity at least number of **< rows + number of columns.
maxNumReductionsMaximum number of SP-reductions. Stops when this would be exceeded.
pnumReductionsPointer for storing the number of SP-reductions.
preducedSubmatrixPointer for storing the SP-reduced submatrix (may be NULL).
pviolatorSubmatrixPointer for storing a wheel-submatrix (may be NULL).
pseparationPointer for storing a 2-separation (may be NULL).
statsPointer to statistics (may be NULL).
timeLimitTime limit to impose.

◆ decomposeTernarySeriesParallel()

static CMR_ERROR decomposeTernarySeriesParallel ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
CMR_SP_REDUCTION reductions,
size_t  maxNumReductions,
size_t *  pnumReductions,
CMR_SUBMAT **  preducedSubmatrix,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pviolatorSubmatrix,
CMR_SEPA **  pseparation,
double  timeLimit 
cmrCMR environment.
matrixSparse char matrix.
reductionsArray for storing the SP-reductions. Must have capacity at least number of **< rows + number of columns.
maxNumReductionsMaximum number of SP-reductions. Stops when this would be exceeded.
pnumReductionsPointer for storing the number of SP-reductions.
preducedSubmatrixPointer for storing the SP-reduced submatrix (may be NULL).
pviolatorSubmatrixPointer for storing a wheel-submatrix (may be NULL).
pseparationPointer for storing a 2-separation (may be NULL).
statsPointer to statistics (may be NULL).
timeLimitTime limit to impose.

◆ extractNonbinarySubmatrix()

static CMR_ERROR extractNonbinarySubmatrix ( CMR cmr,
ListMat8 listmatrix,
ElementData rowData,
ElementData columnData,
CMR_LISTHASHTABLE columnHashtable,
size_t *  pqueueStart,
size_t *  pqueueEnd,
size_t  queueMemory,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pviolatorSubmatrix 

Try to find an \( M_2 \)-submatrix for a ternary SP-reduced matrix in list representation.

cmrCMR environment.
listmatrixList matrix.
rowDataRow data.
columnDataColumn data.
rowHashtableRow hashtable.
columnHashtableColumn hashtable.
pqueueStartPointer to start of queue.
pqueueEndPointer to end of queue.
queueMemoryMemory allocated for queue.
pviolatorSubmatrixPointer for storing the submatrix if an \( M_2 \)-submatrix is found.

◆ extractRemainingSubmatrix()

static CMR_ERROR extractRemainingSubmatrix ( CMR cmr,
CMR_CHRMAT matrix,
size_t  numRowReductions,
size_t  numColumnReductions,
ListMat8 listmatrix,
CMR_SUBMAT **  preducedSubmatrix 

Extract remaining submatrix.

cmrCMR environment.
numRowReductionsNumber of row SP reductions.
numColumnReductionsNumber of column SP reductions.
listmatrixList matrix.
preducedSubmatrixPointer for storing the reduced submatrix.

◆ extractWheelSubmatrix()

static CMR_ERROR extractWheelSubmatrix ( CMR cmr,
ListMat8 listmatrix,
ElementData rowData,
ElementData columnData,
size_t  queueMemory,
size_t  numReducedRows,
size_t  numReducedColumns,
CMR_SUBMAT **  pwheelSubmatrix,
CMR_SEPA **  pseparation 

Searches for a wheel-submatrix; may also encounter and return a 2-separation.

cmrCMR environment.
listmatrixList matrix.
rowDataRow element data.
columnDataColumn element data.
queueQueue memory.
queueMemorySize of queue.
numReducedRowsNumber of rows in reduced matrix.
numReducedColumnsNumber of columns in reduced matrix.
pwheelSubmatrixPointer for storing the wheel submatrix (may be NULL).
pseparationPointer for storing a 2-separation (may be NULL).

◆ findCopy()

static size_t findCopy ( ListMat8Element listData,
ElementData data,
size_t  index,
bool  isRow,
bool  support 

Checks whether the row/column at index is a (negated) copy of a row/column stored in the hashtable.

Compares the actual vectors by traversing the linked-list representation.

listDataRow/column list data.
dataOther row/column data.
hashtableRow/column hashtable.
indexIndex in data.
isRowWhether we are dealing with rows.
supportWhether only the support of the vector matters.

◆ initializeQueueHashtableFromListMatrix()

static CMR_ERROR initializeQueueHashtableFromListMatrix ( CMR cmr,
ListMat8 listmatrix,
ElementData data,
size_t *  pqueueEnd,
bool  isRow 

Adds all rows or columns of the list representation of the matrix either to the queue or to the hashtable.

cmrCMR environment.
hashtableRow or column hashtable.
listmatrixList matrix.
dataOther row/column data array.
pqueueEndPointer to end of queue.
isRowWhether we are deadling with rows.

◆ initializeQueueHashtableFromMatrix()

static CMR_ERROR initializeQueueHashtableFromMatrix ( CMR cmr,
ListMat8Element listmatrixElements,
ElementData data,
size_t  sizeData,
size_t *  pqueueEnd,
bool  isRow 

Scans the matrix initially in order to add all rows or columns either to the queue or to the hashtable.

cmrCMR environment.
hashtableRow or column hashtable.
listmatrixElementsRow or column list matrix elements.
dataOther row/column data.
sizeDataLength of ListMatrixElements and data.
pqueueEndPointer to end of queue.
isRowWhether we are deadling with rows.

◆ processNonzero()

static CMR_ERROR processNonzero ( CMR cmr,
long long  hashChange,
size_t  index,
ListMat8Element indexListData,
ElementData indexData,
size_t *  pqueueEnd,
size_t  queueMemory,
bool  isRow 

Processes the deletion of a nonzero from the linked-list representation.

cmrCMR environment.
hashtableRow/column hashtable.
hashChangeModification of the hash value.
indexIndex of row/column.
indexListDataRow/column list data.
indexDataOther row/column data.
pqueueEndPointer to end of queue.
queueMemoryMemory allocated for queue.
isRowWhether we are dealing with rows.

◆ reduceListMatrix()

static CMR_ERROR reduceListMatrix ( CMR cmr,
ListMat8 listmatrix,
ElementData rowData,
ElementData columnData,
CMR_LISTHASHTABLE columnHashtable,
long long *  entryToHash,
size_t *  pqueueStart,
size_t *  pqueueEnd,
size_t  queueMemory,
CMR_SP_REDUCTION reductions,
size_t  maxNumReductions,
size_t *  pnumReductions,
size_t *  pnumRowReductions,
size_t *  pnumColumnReductions 

Carry out the actual reduction algorithm after all data structures are initialized.

cmrCMR environment.
listmatrixList matrix.
rowDataRow data.
columnDataColumn data.
rowHashtableRow hashtable.
columnHashtableColumn hashtable.
entryToHashPre-computed hash values of vector entries.
pqueueStartPointer to start of queue.
pqueueEndPointer to end of queue.
queueMemoryMemory allocated for queue.
reductionsArray for storing the SP-reductions. Must be sufficiently large, e.g., number **< of rows + number of columns.
maxNumReductionsMaximum number of SP-reductions. Stops when this would be exceeded.
pnumReductionsPointer for storing the number of SP-reductions; stores SIZE_MAX if **< maxNumReductions was exceeded.
pnumRowReductionsPointer for storing the number of row reductions (may be NULL).
pnumColumnReductionsPointer for storing the number of column reductions (may be NULL).

◆ unlinkNonzero()

static void unlinkNonzero ( ListMat8Nonzero nonzero)

Removes the given nonzero from the linked-list representation.

nonzeroNonzero to be removed from the linked lists.

Variable Documentation

◆ seriesParallelStringBuffer

char seriesParallelStringBuffer[32]

Static buffer for CMRspReductionString.