![]() |
#include <cmr/graphic.h>
#include "env_internal.h"
#include "matrix_internal.h"
#include "block_decomposition.h"
#include "heap.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "hereditary_property.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
Classes | |
struct | DijkstraNodeData |
Node information for shortest-path computation in CMRcomputeRepresentationMatrix(). More... | |
struct | DecNodeData |
struct | DecEdgeData |
struct | DEC_MEMBER_DATA |
struct | DecRowData |
struct | DecColumnData |
struct | Dec |
struct | _PathEdge |
Additional information specific to a path edge. More... | |
struct | _ReducedMember |
Additional member information specfic to a given path. More... | |
struct | _ReducedComponent |
A component of the reduced decomposition. More... | |
struct | MemberInfo |
Additional information for each member (specific to a new column). More... | |
struct | DEC_NEWCOLUMN |
Information for adding a new column. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | SWAP_INTS(a, b) |
Typedefs | |
typedef size_t | DEC_EDGE |
Type for refering to a decomposition edge. | |
typedef size_t | DEC_NODE |
Type for refering to a decomposition node. | |
typedef size_t | DEC_MEMBER |
Type for refering to a decomposition member. | |
typedef struct _PathEdge | PathEdge |
Additional information specific to a path edge. | |
typedef struct _ReducedMember | ReducedMember |
Additional member information specfic to a given path. | |
typedef struct _ReducedComponent | ReducedComponent |
A component of the reduced decomposition. | |
Enumerations | |
enum | DIJKSTRA_STAGE { UNKNOWN = 0 , SEEN = 1 , COMPLETED = 2 , BASIC = 3 } |
Functions | |
Initializes all statistics for graphicness computations. | |
CMR_ERROR | CMRgraphicStatsPrint (FILE *stream, CMR_GRAPHIC_STATISTICS *stats, const char *prefix) |
Prints statistics for graphicness computations. | |
CMR_ERROR | CMRcomputeRepresentationMatrix (CMR *cmr, CMR_GRAPH *digraph, bool ternary, CMR_CHRMAT **ptranspose, bool *arcsReversed, int numForestArcs, CMR_GRAPH_EDGE *forestArcs, int numCoforestArcs, CMR_GRAPH_EDGE *coforestArcs, bool *pisCorrectForest) |
Computes the network or graphic matrix of a given (di)graph \( D = (V,A) \). | |
CMR_ERROR | CMRgraphicComputeMatrix (CMR *cmr, CMR_GRAPH *graph, CMR_CHRMAT **pmatrix, CMR_CHRMAT **ptranspose, int numForestEdges, CMR_GRAPH_EDGE *forestEdges, int numCoforestEdges, CMR_GRAPH_EDGE *coforestEdges, bool *pisCorrectForest) |
Computes the graphic matrix of a given graph \( G = (V,E) \). | |
static const char * | memberTypeString (DEC_MEMBER_TYPE type) |
static bool | isRepresentativeMember (Dec *dec, DEC_MEMBER member) |
Returns true if and only member is a representative member. | |
static DEC_MEMBER | findMember (Dec *dec, DEC_MEMBER member) |
Returns the representative member of member . | |
static DEC_MEMBER | findMemberParent (Dec *dec, DEC_MEMBER member) |
Returns the representative of the parent member of member . | |
static DEC_MEMBER | findEdgeMember (Dec *dec, DEC_EDGE edge) |
Returns the representative member of edge . | |
static DEC_NODE | findNode (Dec *dec, DEC_NODE node) |
Returns the representative node of node . | |
static DEC_NODE | findEdgeTail (Dec *dec, DEC_EDGE edge) |
Returns the representative node of the tail of edge . | |
static DEC_NODE | findEdgeHead (Dec *dec, DEC_EDGE edge) |
Returns the representative node of the head of edge . | |
static CMR_ERROR | createNode (Dec *dec, DEC_NODE *pnode) |
Creates a node for some rigid member of the decomposition dec . | |
static CMR_ERROR | addEdgeToMembersEdgeList (Dec *dec, DEC_EDGE edge) |
Adds edge to the edge list of its member. | |
static CMR_ERROR | removeEdgeFromMembersEdgeList (Dec *dec, DEC_EDGE edge) |
Removes edge from the edge list of its member. | |
static CMR_ERROR | replaceEdgeInMembersEdgeList (Dec *dec, DEC_EDGE oldEdge, DEC_EDGE newEdge) |
Replaced oldEdge in its member by newEdge . | |
static CMR_ERROR | createEdge (Dec *dec, DEC_MEMBER member, DEC_EDGE *pedge) |
Creates a new edge in member . | |
static CMR_ERROR | createMarkerEdgePair (Dec *dec, DEC_MEMBER parentMember, DEC_EDGE *pMarkerOfParent, DEC_NODE markerOfParentTail, DEC_NODE markerOfParentHead, DEC_MEMBER childMember, DEC_EDGE *pMarkerToParent, DEC_NODE markerToParentTail, DEC_NODE markerToParentHead) |
Creates a pair of marker edges for linking parent parentMember to child childMember . | |
static CMR_ERROR | createMember (Dec *dec, DEC_MEMBER_TYPE type, DEC_MEMBER *pmember) |
Creates a new member. | |
CMR_ERROR | decCreate (CMR *cmr, Dec **pdec, size_t memEdges, size_t memNodes, size_t memMembers, size_t memRows, size_t memColumns) |
Creates an empty decomposition. | |
CMR_ERROR | decFree (Dec **pdec) |
Frees the decomposition *pdec . | |
static CMR_ERROR | decToGraph (Dec *dec, CMR_GRAPH *graph, bool merge, CMR_GRAPH_EDGE *forestEdges, CMR_GRAPH_EDGE *coforestEdges, CMR_ELEMENT *edgeElements) |
Creates a graph represented by given decomposition. | |
static void | edgeToDot (FILE *stream, Dec *dec, DEC_MEMBER member, DEC_EDGE edge, int u, int v, bool red) |
CMR_ERROR | CMRdecToDot (Dec *dec, FILE *stream, bool *edgesHighlighted) |
Visualizes a decomposition in dot format. | |
static void | debugDot (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn) |
CMR_ERROR | newcolumnCreate (CMR *cmr, DEC_NEWCOLUMN **pnewcolumn) |
Creates a DEC_NEWCOLUMN structure. | |
CMR_ERROR | newcolumnFree (CMR *cmr, DEC_NEWCOLUMN **pnewcolumn) |
Frees a DEC_NEWCOLUMN structure. | |
static CMR_ERROR | removeAllPathEdges (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn) |
Removes all path edges. | |
static CMR_ERROR | initializeNewColumn (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn) |
Initializes a DEC_NEWCOLUMN structure in order to check for a column. | |
static CMR_ERROR | parallelParentChildCheckMember (Dec *dec, DEC_MEMBER member, DEC_MEMBER childMember) |
Ensures that the child marker in member for childMember is not parallel to the parent marker of member . | |
static CMR_ERROR | parallelParentChildCheckReducedMembers (Dec *dec, size_t *entryRows, size_t numEntries) |
Ensures that no child marker in the reduced decomposition is parallel to the parent marker. | |
static CMR_ERROR | createReducedMembers (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, DEC_MEMBER member, ReducedMember **preducedMember) |
Creates, if necessary, the reduced member for member and calls itself for the parent. | |
static CMR_ERROR | computeReducedDecomposition (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, size_t *entryRows, size_t numEntries) |
Computes the reduced decomposition. | |
static CMR_ERROR | createPathEdge (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, DEC_EDGE edge, ReducedMember *reducedMember) |
Creates a path edge structure. | |
static CMR_ERROR | completeReducedDecomposition (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, size_t *rows, size_t numRows) |
Creates members and reduced members of new edges. | |
static CMR_ERROR | createReducedDecompositionPathEdges (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, size_t *rows, size_t numRows) |
Creates path edges in reduced decomposition. | |
static CMR_ERROR | countChildrenTypes (Dec *dec, ReducedMember *reducedMember, int *pNumOneEnd, int *pNumTwoEnds, DEC_EDGE childMarkerEdges[2]) |
Count the number of children of a reduced member having certain types. | |
static CMR_ERROR | determineTypeParallel (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, ReducedMember *reducedMember, int numOneEnd, int numTwoEnds, int depth) |
Determines the type of a parallel member. | |
static CMR_ERROR | determineTypeSeries (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, ReducedMember *reducedMember, int numOneEnd, int numTwoEnds, int depth) |
Determines the type of a series member. | |
static CMR_ERROR | determineTypeRigid (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, ReducedMember *reducedMember, int numOneEnd, int numTwoEnds, DEC_EDGE childMarkerEdges[2], int depth) |
Determines the type of a rigid member. | |
static CMR_ERROR | determineTypes (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, ReducedComponent *reducedComponent, ReducedMember *reducedMember, int depth) |
Determines the type of a member and all its children in the reduced decomposition. | |
CMR_ERROR | addColumnCheck (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, size_t *rows, size_t numRows) |
Checks if a new column can be added to the decomposition. | |
static CMR_ERROR | addTerminal (Dec *dec, ReducedComponent *reducedComponent, DEC_MEMBER member, DEC_NODE node) |
Add a terminal of a reduced component. | |
static CMR_ERROR | moveReducedRoot (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, ReducedComponent *reducedComponent) |
Moves the reduced root upwards as long as it has a TYPE_DOUBLE_CHILD child. | |
static CMR_ERROR | setEdgeNodes (Dec *dec, DEC_EDGE edge, DEC_NODE tail, DEC_NODE head) |
Sets the tail/head nodes of a edge to tail and head , respectively. | |
static CMR_ERROR | mergeMemberIntoParent (Dec *dec, DEC_MEMBER member, bool headToHead) |
Merges member into its parent. | |
static CMR_ERROR | createParallelNodes (Dec *dec, DEC_MEMBER member) |
Create nodes of a parallel member. | |
static CMR_ERROR | splitParallel (Dec *dec, DEC_MEMBER parallel, DEC_EDGE edge1, DEC_EDGE edge2, DEC_MEMBER *pChildParallel) |
Splits a parallel member into two parallel members joined via a series member. | |
static CMR_ERROR | addColumnProcessParallel (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, ReducedComponent *reducedComponent, ReducedMember *reducedMember, int depth) |
Processes a parallel member when adding a column. | |
static void | flipEdge (Dec *dec, DEC_EDGE edge) |
static CMR_ERROR | addColumnProcessRigid (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, ReducedComponent *reducedComponent, ReducedMember *reducedMember, int depth) |
Processes a rigid member when adding a column. | |
static CMR_ERROR | createEdgeParallel (Dec *dec, DEC_EDGE edge, DEC_MEMBER *pNewParallel) |
Replaces an edge by a parallel containing it. | |
static CMR_ERROR | splitSeries (Dec *dec, DEC_MEMBER member, bool *edgesPredicate, bool predicateValue, DEC_EDGE *pRepresentativeEdge, DEC_MEMBER *pNewParallel, DEC_MEMBER *pNewSeries) |
Splits series member into two, connecting them via a parallel. | |
static CMR_ERROR | addColumnProcessSeries (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, ReducedComponent *reducedComponent, ReducedMember *reducedMember, int depth) |
Processes a series member when adding a column. | |
static CMR_ERROR | addColumnProcessComponent (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, ReducedComponent *reducedComponent, ReducedMember *reducedMember, int depth) |
Processes a component of a reduced decomposition before the actual modification. | |
static CMR_ERROR | doReorderComponent (Dec *dec, DEC_MEMBER member, DEC_MEMBER newParent, DEC_EDGE newMarkerToParent, DEC_EDGE markerOfNewParent) |
Recursive method to reorder a member by making newParent the new parent. | |
static CMR_ERROR | reorderComponent (Dec *dec, DEC_MEMBER newRoot) |
Reorders a component, making newRoot the new root. | |
CMR_ERROR | addColumnApply (Dec *dec, DEC_NEWCOLUMN *newcolumn, size_t column, size_t *rows, size_t numRows) |
Actually adds a column with ones in rows , using information from newcolumn . | |
static CMR_ERROR | cographicnessTest (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, void *data, bool *pisCographic, CMR_SUBMAT **psubmatrix, double timeLimit) |
CMR_ERROR | CMRcographicTestSupport (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, bool *pisCographic, CMR_GRAPH **pgraph, CMR_GRAPH_EDGE **pforestEdges, CMR_GRAPH_EDGE **pcoforestEdges, CMR_SUBMAT **psubmatrix, CMR_GRAPHIC_STATISTICS *stats, double timeLimit) |
Tests the support matrix \( M \) of the input matrix for being a cographic matrix. | |
CMR_ERROR | CMRgraphicTestTranspose (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, bool *pisCographic, CMR_GRAPH **pgraph, CMR_GRAPH_EDGE **pforestEdges, CMR_GRAPH_EDGE **pcoforestEdges, CMR_SUBMAT **psubmatrix, CMR_GRAPHIC_STATISTICS *stats, double timeLimit) |
Tests a matrix \( M \) for being a cographic matrix. | |
CMR_ERROR | CMRtestBinaryGraphicColumnSubmatrixGreedy (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *transpose, size_t *orderedColumns, CMR_SUBMAT **psubmatrix) |
CMR_ERROR | CMRgraphicTestMatrix (CMR *cmr, CMR_CHRMAT *matrix, bool *pisGraphic, CMR_GRAPH **pgraph, CMR_GRAPH_EDGE **pforestEdges, CMR_GRAPH_EDGE **pcoforestEdges, CMR_SUBMAT **psubmatrix, CMR_GRAPHIC_STATISTICS *stats, double timeLimit) |
Tests a matrix \( M \) for being a graphic matrix. | |
#define SWAP_INTS | ( | a, | |
b | |||
) |
typedef size_t DEC_EDGE |
Type for refering to a decomposition edge.
typedef size_t DEC_MEMBER |
Type for refering to a decomposition member.
typedef size_t DEC_NODE |
Type for refering to a decomposition node.
typedef struct _ReducedComponent ReducedComponent |
A component of the reduced decomposition.
typedef struct _ReducedMember ReducedMember |
Additional member information specfic to a given path.
TODO: Maybe add parent reduced member as well, so we don't have to go via the membersToReducedMembers array.
enum Type |
CMR_ERROR addColumnApply | ( | Dec * | dec, |
DEC_NEWCOLUMN * | newcolumn, | ||
size_t | column, | ||
size_t * | rows, | ||
size_t | numRows | ||
) |
Actually adds a column with ones in rows
, using information from newcolumn
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | newcolumn. |
column | Index of new column to be added. |
rows | Array of rows with 1-entry in this column. |
numRows | Length of rows . |
CMR_ERROR addColumnCheck | ( | Dec * | dec, |
DEC_NEWCOLUMN * | newcolumn, | ||
size_t * | rows, | ||
size_t | numRows | ||
) |
Checks if a new column can be added to the decomposition.
Information necessary for carrying out the addition is stored in newcolumn
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | newcolumn. |
rows | Array of rows (with 1-entry in this column). |
numRows | Length of rows . |
static |
Processes a component of a reduced decomposition before the actual modification.
Processes the reduced members in depth-first search manner and does the following:
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | new-column structure. |
reducedComponent | Reduced component. |
reducedMember | Reduced member. |
depth | Depth of member in reduced t-decomposition. |
static |
Processes a parallel member when adding a column.
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | new-column structure. |
reducedComponent | Reduced component. |
reducedMember | Reduced member. |
depth | Depth of this member in reduced t-decomposition. |
static |
Processes a rigid member when adding a column.
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | newcolumn. |
reducedComponent | Reduced component. |
reducedMember | Reduced member. |
depth | Depth of this member in reduced t-decomposition. |
static |
Processes a series member when adding a column.
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | newcolumn. |
reducedComponent | Reduced component. |
reducedMember | Reduced member. |
depth | Depth of this member in reduced t-decomposition. |
Adds edge
to the edge list of its member.
dec | Decomposition. |
edge | Edge to be added. |
static |
Add a terminal of a reduced component.
dec | Decomposition. |
reducedComponent | Reduced component. |
member | New terminal member. |
node | New terminal node. |
CMR_ERROR CMRcographicTestSupport | ( | CMR * | cmr, |
CMR_CHRMAT * | matrix, | ||
bool * | pisCographic, | ||
CMR_GRAPH ** | pgraph, | ||
CMR_GRAPH_EDGE ** | pforestEdges, | ||
CMR_GRAPH_EDGE ** | pcoforestEdges, | ||
CMR_SUBMAT ** | psubmatrix, | ||
double | timeLimit | ||
) |
Tests the support matrix \( M \) of the input matrix for being a cographic matrix.
Tests if \( M = M(G,T)^{\mathsf{T}} \) for some graph \( G = (V,E) \) and some spanning forest \( T \subseteq E \) of \( G \) and sets *pisCographic
If \( M \) is a cographic matrix and pgraph
, then one possible graph \( G \) is computed and stored in *pgraph
. The caller must release its memory via CMRgraphFree. If in addition to pgraph
also pforestEdges
(resp. pcoforestEdges
), then a corresponding spanning forest \( T \) (resp. its complement \( E \setminus T \)) is stored in *pforestEdges
(resp. *pcoforestEdges
). The caller must release this memory via CMRfreeBlockArray.
is not implemented, yet. cmr | CMR environment. |
matrix | Matrix \( M \) |
pisCographic | Returns true if and only if \( M \) is a cographic matrix. |
pgraph | Pointer for storing the graph \( G \) (if \( M \) is graphic). |
pforestEdges | Pointer for storing \( T \), indexed by the rows of \( M \) (if \( M \) is graphic). |
pcoforestEdges | Pointer for storing \( E \setminus T \), indexed by the columns of \( M \) (if \( M \) is graphic). |
psubmatrix | Pointer for storing a minimal non-graphic submatrix (if \( M \) is not graphic). |
stats | Pointer to statistics (may be NULL ). |
timeLimit | Time limit to impose. |
CMR_ERROR CMRcomputeRepresentationMatrix | ( | CMR * | cmr, |
CMR_GRAPH * | digraph, | ||
bool | ternary, | ||
CMR_CHRMAT ** | ptranspose, | ||
bool * | arcsReversed, | ||
int | numForestArcs, | ||
CMR_GRAPH_EDGE * | forestArcs, | ||
int | numCoforestArcs, | ||
CMR_GRAPH_EDGE * | coforestArcs, | ||
bool * | pisCorrectForest | ||
) |
Computes the network or graphic matrix of a given (di)graph \( D = (V,A) \).
Computes the network matrix \( M := M(D,T) \) for given \( D \) and optionally given (directed) spanning forest \( T \subseteq A \) or the support matrix of \( M(D,T) \). If \( T \) is not given, an arbitrary (directed) spanning forest of \( D \) is used. The direction of the edges is that of digraph
, but may be flipped by specifying arcsReversed
. If forestArcs
, an arbitrary (directed) spanning forest \( T \) of \( D \) is computed. The ordering of the columns can be specified via coforestArcs
is a correct (directed) spanning forest. Whether this was the case is indicated via *pisCorrectForest
. cmr | CMR environment. |
digraph | Digraph \( D = (V,A) \). |
ternary | Whether we need to compute correct signs. |
ptranspose | Pointer for storing \( M^{\mathsf{T}} \) (may be NULL ). |
arcsReversed | Indicates, for each edge \( \{u, v\}\), whether we consider \( (u, v)\) (if false ) or \( (v,u)\) (if true ). |
numForestArcs | \( |T| \) (0 if forestArcs is NULL ). |
forestArcs | \( T \), ordered by the rows of \( M \) (may be NULL ). |
numCoforestArcs | \( |A \setminus T| \) (0 if coforestArcs is NULL ). |
coforestArcs | \( A \setminus T \), ordered by the columns of \( M \) (may be NULL ). |
pisCorrectForest | Pointer for storing whether forestArcs is a (directed) spanning forest of \( D \)'s underlying undirected graph (may be NULL ). |
Visualizes a decomposition in dot
Writes decomposition to a dot file in the current directory.
The file name is dec-NUMBER.dot where NUMBER is increased for each call and reset for a new decomposition.
dec | Decomposition. |
stream | Stream to write to. |
edgesHighlighted | Indicator for edges to be highlighted. |
CMR_ERROR CMRgraphicComputeMatrix | ( | CMR * | cmr, |
CMR_GRAPH * | graph, | ||
CMR_CHRMAT ** | pmatrix, | ||
CMR_CHRMAT ** | ptranspose, | ||
int | numForestEdges, | ||
CMR_GRAPH_EDGE * | forestEdges, | ||
int | numCoforestEdges, | ||
CMR_GRAPH_EDGE * | coforestEdges, | ||
bool * | pisCorrectForest | ||
) |
Computes the graphic matrix of a given graph \( G = (V,E) \).
Computes the graphic matrix \( M := M(G,T) \) for given \( G \) and optionally given spanning forest \( T \subseteq E \). If \( T \) is not given, an arbitrary spanning forest of \( G \) is used. If forestEdges
, an arbitrary spanning forest \( T \) of \( G \) is computed. The ordering of the columns can be specified via coforestEdges
is a correct spanning forest. Whether this was the case is indicated via *pisCorrectForest
. cmr | CMR environment. |
graph | Graph \( G = (V,E) \). |
pmatrix | Pointer for storing \( M \) (may be NULL ). |
ptranspose | Pointer for storing \( M^{\mathsf{T}} \) (may be NULL ). |
numForestEdges | \( |T| \) (0 if forestEdges is NULL ). |
forestEdges | \( T \), ordered by the rows of \( M \) (may be NULL ). |
numCoforestEdges | \( |E \setminus T| \) (0 if coforestEdges is NULL ). |
coforestEdges | \( E \setminus T \), ordered by the columns of \( M \) (may be NULL ). |
pisCorrectForest | Pointer for storing whether forestEdges is a spanning forest of \( G \) (may be NULL ). |
CMR_ERROR CMRgraphicStatsInit | ( | CMR_GRAPHIC_STATISTICS * | stats | ) |
Initializes all statistics for graphicness computations.
stats | Pointer to statistics. |
CMR_ERROR CMRgraphicStatsPrint | ( | FILE * | stream, |
const char * | prefix | ||
) |
Prints statistics for graphicness computations.
stream | File stream to print to. |
stats | Pointer to statistics. |
prefix | Prefix string to prepend to each printed line (may be NULL ). |
CMR_ERROR CMRgraphicTestMatrix | ( | CMR * | cmr, |
CMR_CHRMAT * | matrix, | ||
bool * | pisGraphic, | ||
CMR_GRAPH ** | pgraph, | ||
CMR_GRAPH_EDGE ** | pforestEdges, | ||
CMR_GRAPH_EDGE ** | pcoforestEdges, | ||
CMR_SUBMAT ** | psubmatrix, | ||
double | timeLimit | ||
) |
Tests a matrix \( M \) for being a graphic matrix.
Tests if \( M = M(G,T) \) for some graph \( G = (V,E) \) and some spanning forest \( T \subseteq E \) of \( G \) and sets *pisGraphic
If \( M \) is a graphic matrix and pgraph
, then one possible graph \( G \) is computed and stored in *pgraph
. The caller must release its memory via CMRgraphFree. If in addition to pgraph
also pforestEdges
(resp. pcoforestEdges
), then a corresponding spanning forest \( T \) (resp. its complement \( E \setminus T \)) is stored in *pforestEdges
(resp. *pcoforestEdges
). The caller must release this memory via CMRfreeBlockArray.
is not implemented, yet. cmr | CMR environment. |
matrix | Matrix \( M \). |
pisGraphic | Pointer for storing true if and only if \( M \) is a graphic matrix. |
pgraph | Pointer for storing the graph \( G \) (if \( M \) is graphic). |
pforestEdges | Pointer for storing \( T \), indexed by the rows of \( M \) (if \( M \) is graphic). |
pcoforestEdges | Pointer for storing \( E \setminus T \), indexed by the columns of \( M \) (if \( M \) is graphic). |
psubmatrix | Pointer for storing a minimal non-graphic submatrix (if \( M \) is not graphic). |
stats | Pointer to statistics (may be NULL ). |
timeLimit | Time limit to impose. |
CMR_ERROR CMRgraphicTestTranspose | ( | CMR * | cmr, |
CMR_CHRMAT * | matrix, | ||
bool * | pisCographic, | ||
CMR_GRAPH ** | pgraph, | ||
CMR_GRAPH_EDGE ** | pforestEdges, | ||
CMR_GRAPH_EDGE ** | pcoforestEdges, | ||
CMR_SUBMAT ** | psubmatrix, | ||
double | timeLimit | ||
) |
Tests a matrix \( M \) for being a cographic matrix.
Tests if \( M = M(G,T)^{\mathsf{T}} \) for some graph \( G = (V,E) \) and some spanning forest \( T \subseteq E \) of \( G \) and sets *pisCographic
If \( M \) is a cographic matrix and pgraph
, then one possible graph \( G \) is computed and stored in *pgraph
. The caller must release its memory via CMRgraphFree. If in addition to pgraph
also pforestEdges
(resp. pcoforestEdges
), then a corresponding spanning forest \( T \) (resp. its complement \( E \setminus T \)) is stored in *pforestEdges
(resp. *pcoforestEdges
). The caller must release this memory via CMRfreeBlockArray.
is not implemented, yet. cmr | CMR environment. |
matrix | Matrix \( M \) |
pisCographic | Returns true if and only if \( M \) is a cographic matrix. |
pgraph | Pointer for storing the graph \( G \) (if \( M \) is graphic). |
pforestEdges | Pointer for storing \( T \), indexed by the rows of \( M \) (if \( M \) is graphic). |
pcoforestEdges | Pointer for storing \( E \setminus T \), indexed by the columns of \( M \) (if \( M \) is graphic). |
psubmatrix | Pointer for storing a minimal non-graphic submatrix (if \( M \) is not graphic). |
stats | Pointer to statistics (may be NULL ). |
timeLimit | Time limit to impose. |
CMR_ERROR CMRtestBinaryGraphicColumnSubmatrixGreedy | ( | CMR * | cmr, |
CMR_CHRMAT * | transpose, | ||
size_t * | orderedColumns, | ||
CMR_SUBMAT ** | psubmatrix | ||
) |
static |
cmr | CMR environment. |
matrix | Some matrix to be tested for cographicness. |
data | Additional data (must be NULL ). |
pisCographic | Pointer for storing whether matrix is cographic. |
psubmatrix | Pointer for storing a proper non-cographic submatrix of matrix . |
timeLimit | Time limit to impose. |
static |
Creates members and reduced members of new edges.
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | newcolumn. |
rows | Array of rows (of new column's entries). |
numRows | Length of rows . |
static |
Computes the reduced decomposition.
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | newcolumn. |
entryRows | Array of rows of new column's enries. |
numEntries | Length of entryRows . |
static |
Count the number of children of a reduced member having certain types.
dec | Decomposition. |
reducedMember | Reduced member. |
pNumOneEnd | Number of children that (recursively) must contain one path end. |
pNumTwoEnds | Number of children that (recursively) must contain two path ends. |
childMarkerEdges | Array for storing a child marker edges containing one/two path ends. |
static |
Creates a new edge in member
dec | Decomposition. |
member | Member this edge belongs to. |
pedge | Pointer for storing the new edge. |
static |
Replaces an edge by a parallel containing it.
The given member should have at least two edges.
dec | Decomposition. |
edge | Edge to be replaced by a parallel containing that edge. |
pNewParallel | Pointer for storing the new parallel. |
static |
Creates a pair of marker edges for linking parent parentMember
to child childMember
dec | Decomposition. |
parentMember | Parent member. |
pMarkerOfParent | Pointer for storing the new child marker in the parent. |
markerOfParentTail | Tail node of this *pChildMarker . |
markerOfParentHead | Head node of this *pChildMarker . |
childMember | Child member. |
pMarkerToParent | Pointer for storing the new parent marker in the child. |
markerToParentTail | Tail node of this *pParentMarker . |
markerToParentHead | Head node of this *pParentMarker . |
static |
Creates a new member.
dec | Decomposition. |
type | Type of member. |
pmember | Pointer for storing the new member. |
Creates a node for some rigid member of the decomposition dec
dec | Decomposition. |
pnode | Pointer for storing new node. |
static |
Create nodes of a parallel member.
dec | Decomposition. |
member | A parallel member. |
static |
Creates a path edge structure.
Adds it to the singly-linked path edge list of reducedMember
and to the overall singly-linked path edge list. The created PathEdge can be accessed via ReducedMember::firstPathEdge.
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | new column. |
edge | The edge it refers to. |
reducedMember | Reduced member this path edge belongs to. |
static |
Creates path edges in reduced decomposition.
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | newcolumn. |
rows | Array of rows (of new column's enries). |
numRows | Length of rows . |
static |
Creates, if necessary, the reduced member for member
and calls itself for the parent.
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | newcolumn. |
member | Member to create reduced member for. |
preducedMember | Pointer for storing the created reduced member. |
inlinestatic |
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | new column. |
CMR_ERROR decCreate | ( | CMR * | cmr, |
Dec ** | pdec, | ||
size_t | memEdges, | ||
size_t | memNodes, | ||
size_t | memMembers, | ||
size_t | memRows, | ||
size_t | memColumns | ||
) |
Creates an empty decomposition.
cmr | CMR environment. |
pdec | Pointer to new decomposition. . |
memEdges | Initial memory for edges of the decomposition. |
memNodes | Initial memory for nodes of the decomposition. |
memMembers | Initial memory for members of the decomposition. |
memRows | Initial memory for rows. |
memColumns | Initial memory for columns. |
Frees the decomposition *pdec
pdec | Pointer to decomposition. |
static |
Creates a graph represented by given decomposition.
dec | Decomposition. |
graph | Graph to be filled. |
merge | Merge and remove corresponding parent and child markers. |
forestEdges | If not NULL , the edges of a spanning tree are stored here. |
coforestEdges | If not NULL , the non-basis edges are stored here. |
edgeElements | If not NULL , the elements for each edge are stored here. |
static |
Determines the type of a parallel member.
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | newcolumn. |
reducedMember | Reduced member. |
numOneEnd | Number of child markers containing one path end. |
numTwoEnds | Number of child markers containing two path ends. |
depth | Depth of member in reduced decomposition. |
static |
Determines the type of a rigid member.
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | newcolumn. |
reducedMember | Reduced member. |
numOneEnd | Number of child markers containing one path end. |
numTwoEnds | Number of child markers containing two path ends. |
childMarkerEdges | Marker edges of children containing one/two path ends. |
depth | Depth of member in reduced t-decomposition. |
static |
Determines the type of a member and all its children in the reduced decomposition.
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | newcolumn. |
reducedComponent | Reduced component. |
reducedMember | Reduced member. |
depth | Depth of member in reduced t-decomposition. |
static |
Determines the type of a series member.
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | newcolumn. |
reducedMember | Reduced member. |
numOneEnd | Number of child markers containing one path end. |
numTwoEnds | Number of child markers containing two path ends. |
depth | Depth of member in reduced t-decomposition. |
static |
Recursive method to reorder a member by making newParent
the new parent.
dec | Decomposition. |
member | Member to be processed. |
newParent | New parent of member . |
newMarkerToParent | New marker edge linked to new parent of member . |
markerOfNewParent | Counterpart to newMarkerToParent . |
static |
Prints an edge in dot
format to stream
stream | File stream. |
dec | Decomposition. |
member | Member this edge belongs to. |
edge | Edge. |
u | First node. |
v | Second node. |
red | Whether to color it red. |
Returns the representative node of the head of edge
dec | Decomposition. |
edge | Edge. |
inlinestatic |
Returns the representative member of edge
dec | Decomposition. |
edge | Edge. |
Returns the representative node of the tail of edge
dec | Decomposition. |
edge | Edge. |
static |
Returns the representative member of member
dec | Decomposition. |
member | Member for which the representative shall be returned. |
inlinestatic |
Returns the representative of the parent member of member
Assumes that member
is a representative member.
dec | Decomposition. |
member | Member whose parent shall be returned. |
Returns the representative node of node
Assumes node
is indeed a node, i.e., not -1.
dec | t-decomposition. |
edge | edge. |
static |
Initializes a DEC_NEWCOLUMN structure in order to check for a column.
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | newcolumn. |
inlinestatic |
Returns true
if and only member
is a representative member.
dec | Decomposition. |
member | Member of dec . |
inlinestatic |
static |
Merges member
into its parent.
If headToHead
is true
, then the two head nodes (and the two tail nodes) are identified with each other. Otherwise, a head is identified with a tail.
dec | Decomposition. |
member | Reduced component. |
headToHead | Whether the heads of the edges shall be joined. |
static |
Moves the reduced root upwards as long as it has a TYPE_DOUBLE_CHILD child.
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | newcolumn. |
reducedComponent | Reduced component. |
CMR_ERROR newcolumnCreate | ( | CMR * | cmr, |
DEC_NEWCOLUMN ** | pnewcolumn | ||
) |
Creates a DEC_NEWCOLUMN structure.
cmr | CMR environment. |
pnewcolumn | Pointer for storing the newcolumn structure. |
CMR_ERROR newcolumnFree | ( | CMR * | cmr, |
DEC_NEWCOLUMN ** | pnewcolumn | ||
) |
Frees a DEC_NEWCOLUMN structure.
cmr | CMR environment. |
pnewcolumn | Pointer to newcolumn structure. |
static |
Ensures that the child marker in member
for childMember
is not parallel to the parent marker of member
Note that this can only happen when a component is reordered (receiving a new root) because reduced components shall be joined.
dec | Decomposition. |
member | Parent of childMember . |
childMember | Child member of member . |
static |
Ensures that no child marker in the reduced decomposition is parallel to the parent marker.
dec | Decomposition. |
entryRows | Array of rows of new column's enries. |
numEntries | Length of entryRows . |
static |
Removes all path edges.
dec | Decomposition. |
newcolumn | new column. |
Removes edge
from the edge list of its member.
dec | Decomposition. |
edge | Edge to be added. |
static |
Reorders a component, making newRoot
the new root.
dec | Decomposition. |
newRoot | The new root of the component. |
static |
Replaced oldEdge
in its member by newEdge
Assumes that newEdge
has the same member but is not in its edge list.
dec | Decomposition. |
oldEdge | Edge to be removed. |
newEdge | Edge to be added. |
Sets the tail/head nodes of a edge
to tail
and head
, respectively.
dec | Decomposition. |
edge | Reduced component. |
tail | New tail node. |
head | New head node. |
static |
Splits a parallel member into two parallel members joined via a series member.
dec | Decomposition. |
parallel | A parallel member. |
edge1 | First edge to be moved into the child parallel. |
edge2 | Second edge to be moved into the child parallel. |
pChildParallel | Pointer to storing the newly created child parallel. |
static |
Splits series member into two, connecting them via a parallel.
Takes all edges of the series member
for which edgesPredicate
is the same as predicateValue
dec | Decomposition. |
member | Series member to be split. |
edgesPredicate | Map from edges to predicate. |
predicateValue | Value of predicate. |
pRepresentativeEdge | Pointer for storing the child marker edge that links to new parallel. |
pNewParallel | Pointer for storing the new parallel. |
pNewSeries | Pointer for storing the new parallel. |