CMR  1.3.0
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 C_ListMat64NonzeroNonzero of a ListMat64
 C_ListMat8NonzeroNonzero of a ListMat8
 C_PathEdgeAdditional information specific to a path edge
 C_ReducedComponentA component of the reduced decomposition
 C_ReducedMemberAdditional member information specfic to a given path
 Ctu::abs_greater< T >
 Ctu::articulation_edge_filter< Graph >
 CCMR_BLOCKInformation on one block of a block decomposition of a matrix
 CCMR_CAMION_STATISTICSStatistics for Camion-signing algorithm
 CCMR_CHRMATRow-wise representation of sparse char matrix
 CCMR_CTU_STATISTICSStatistics for recognition algorithm for totally unimodular matrices
 CCMR_DBLMATRow-wise representation of sparse double matrix
 CCMR_EQUIMODULAR_STATSStatistics for recognition algorithm for equimodular matrices
 CCMR_GRAPHIC_STATISTICSStatistics for graphicness test
 CCMR_INTHEAPStructure for min-heap with unsigned int values
 CCMR_INTMATRow-wise representation of sparse int matrix
 CCMR_MATRIXAbstract struct for row-wise representations of sparse matrices
 CCMR_MINORA minor of a matroid
 CCMR_NETWORK_STATISTICSStatistics for recognition algorithm for network matrices
 CCMR_REGULAR_STATSStatistics for regular matroid recognition algorithm
 CCMR_SP_REDUCTIONRepresents a series-parallel reduction
 CCMR_SP_STATISTICSStatistics for series-parallel recognition algorithm
 CCMR_SUBMATRow and column indices for a submatrix
 Ctu::SparseMatrix< V >::DataMatrix data, row-wise or column-wise
 CDEC_NEWCOLUMNInformation for adding a new column
 CDenseBinaryMatrixDense matrix
 CDijkstraNodeDataNode information for shortest-path computation in CMRcomputeRepresentationMatrix()
 CElementDataElement specific data for the enumeration of 3-separations
 CGRAPH_NODEGraph node for BFS in signing algorithm
 CListMat64Linked-list representation of a matrix with 64-bit integer values
 CListMat64ElementRow/column information of a ListMat64
 CListMat8Linked-list representation of a matrix with 8-bit integer values
 CListMat8ElementRow/column information of a ListMat8
 Ctu::Matrix< V >Base class for matrices whose entries have type V
 Ctu::Matrix< M::Value >
 Ctu::matrix_reorder_row_less< MatrixType, Less >
 Ctu::matroid< NameType >
 Ctu::matroid_permuted< MatroidType >
 Ctu::matroid_transposed< MatroidType >
 CMemberInfoAdditional information for each member (specific to a new column)
 Ctu::nested_minor_sequence_transposed< NestedMinorSequenceType >
 Ctu::Matrix< V >::NonzeroRow/column index type
 Ctu::DenseMatrix< V >::NonzeroIterator< Row >
 Ctu::SparseMatrix< V >::NonzeroIterator< Row >Iterator for row- or column-wise iteration over the entries
 Ctu::TransposedMatrix< M >::NonzeroIterator< Row >
 Cboost::property_kind< tu::edge_matroid_element_t >
 Ctu::detail::Range< Iterator >
 Ctu::SubmatrixIndicesIndexes a submatrix
 Ctu::detail::transpose_orientation< OrientationCategory >Helper struct to manage orientation tags
 Ctu::detail::transpose_orientation< boost::numeric::ublas::column_major_tag >Helper struct to manage orientation tags
 Ctu::detail::transpose_orientation< boost::numeric::ublas::row_major_tag >Helper struct to manage orientation tags
 Ctu::vector_less< T, Less >
 Ctu::vector_three_connectivity< MatrixType >
 Ctu::util::detail::vertex_writer< OutputIterator, EventTag >